This section explains the Define G/L Segments (IDGS) screen and its associated fields.

The distribution code may be formatted into segments representing specific areas of the general ledger company. For example, segments can represent a division, cost center or account. A segment is defined as alphanumeric characters separated by a ‘-’ or a ‘.’ (e.g. ‘DVCNT-ACCT’).

Note that if a single-segment distribution is being used, then no hyphens whatsoever should be present in the format.

The system may ‘validate’ each segment of distribution codes defined on the G/L Company (IDGC) form. You may do this by completing the G/L Segments (IDGS) form for all segments you wish to validate.

Once you define these segments, Personality validates the distribution code via the Distribution Editor button for any forms that invoke this Distribution Editor.

For example: Department (IDDP), Job (IDJB), Position (IDPS), Assignment (IEAS), Pay Transaction (IPTR), Pay Lines (IPPH), etc. The distribution button invokes the distribution editor to look-up and choose the appropriate segment codes.

When you define the segments, you must use ‘?’ as an overlay for any unknown segments. You must not leave a segment blank. For example if you know only the first segment, the code should appear as ‘123?-??-???’.

General Ledger Segments data is stored in the P2K_CM_GL_SEGMENTS and the P2K_CM_GL_SEGMENT_VALUES table.

G/L Company
This field holds the code for the G/L company as defined in the G/L Company (IDGC) form. Please click the appropriate GL company line to focus on this GL company and move cursor to input section below.
Distribution Heading
This field defaults the distribution heading from the G/L Company (IDGC) form.
Distribution Format
This field defaults the distribution format in from the G/L Company (IDGC) form.

Input (Segments 1 Thru 10) tab#

This is the sequential order of the segments. Maximum of ten segments may be defined numbered between 1 through 10.
i.e. Distribution code: 1234-56-789
Segment 1 is digits 1234
Segment 2 is digits 56
Segment 3 is digits 789
Start At
This is the starting position of the segment. It does not count ‘-’ or ‘.’ as a position
i.e. Distribution code: 1234-56-789
Segment 1starts at position 1
Segment 2 starts at position 5
Segment 3 starts at position 7
This is the number of characters of the segment.
i.e. Distribution code: 1234-56-789
Segment 1 starting at position 1 has a length of 4(1234)
Segment 2 starting at position 5 has a length of 2(56)
Segment 3 starting at position 7 has a length of 3(789)
This field displays the name of the segment highlighted. e.g. Company, Division, Department, Fund,
When the Distribution Editor button is invoked on various forms (e.g. IDDP, IDPS, IDJB, IEAS, IPTR, IPPH, etc.), this value in this field is used as a side label for the segment to be entered.
GL Value Edit Mask
This field will aid in the validation of the segment by restricting the type of data to be entered. Specific characters in the segment mask will dictate what can be entered.
9 for a numeric
a for an alpha character
x for any alphanumeric character
If the toggle is ON, then the segment must be completed at all distribution levels. This means no masking is allowed and the wildcard character ‘?’ should not be used. If the toggle is OFF, then the segment may be completed, wild carded or left blank.
Must Validate
If the toggle is ON, then the segment, at the distribution level, will be validated against the information defined in the ‘GL Valid Value’ list in the form below.
Journalized Fund
This optional toggle will indicate that this segment identifies the funds that are to be journalized and set up in the Define GL Funds (IDGF) form. This allows the application to distribute labor by fund based on grants, fellowships, etc. Please refer to the document GL Fund Distribution.
GL Valid Value
This area holds the list of actual valid segment values to be compared to this segment of the distribution code when you enter the distribution. You must enter the valid values here if the ‘Must Validate’ toggle is ON for the highlighted segment. For example, if the first segment identifies the ‘fund’ you may wish to have the segment valid for only the values ‘110’ or ‘340’. You will define those two values here and they will become the only two accepted values for this distribution code for the first segment.
If desired, a description of the segment may be entered. This may aid users in determining the values they require. If the Must Validate toggle is turned on, then this description will be shown on the list of values, as well as shown beside the value selected, on the Distribution Editor. If the Must Validate toggle is not on, then this description is not shown on the Distribution Editor.

Validate tab#

This section allows you to define the information that the segments or combinations of segments will be validated against.

These units must be numbered 11 and greater in order to be separate from the original GL segments.

Validate Segments#

You may set up validation for different combinations within the predefined segments. For example: You have defined your distribution mask as ????-??-??? (Division - Cost Center- Account). You would like to indicate that there are only certain accounts that work with certain cost centers. Those cost centers are defined by the last three numbers in the cost center segment. Once those three numbers are defined, you will have a selection of accounts defined by the entire account segment.

Validation will be made for the digits in the 7th through 9th position in this code ????-??-???

If validation is required, you must FIRST turn the ‘Must Validate’ toggle ON in the ‘Input’ tab and then list all valid segments in the ‘G/L Valid Value’ field. The ‘Validate’ tab allows you to define the length of the portion to be validated. This could be either entire segments or other portions of segments.

The combinations of segments, or segment portions must be contiguous. That is, you cannot validate the combination of segment 3 and segment 7 together Even if no validation is needed, it is necessary that the Segment form be completed with the segment description. This allows users to have a more descriptive screen of information when using the distribution editor button in the Department, Job, Position, and Assignment forms, etc.

Validate Unit
This is the sequential order of the validation units. These units must be numbered 11 and greater in order to be separate from the original GL segments. For example, if the original G/L segment is 1234-56-789, then possible units are:
Unit 11 is digits 123456
Unit 12 is digits 56789
Unit 13 is digits 345678
This is the starting position of the unit. Characters such as ‘-’ or ‘.’ are NOT considered positions. For example, if the original G/L segment is 1234-56-789, then:
Unit 11 starts at position 1
Unit 12 starts at position 5
Unit 13 starts at position 3
This is the number of characters in the unit. For example, if the original G/L segment is 1234-56-789, then:
Unit 11 starting at position 1 has a length of 6 (1234-56)
Unit 12 starting at position 5 has a length of 5 (56-789)
Unit 13 starting at position 3 has a length of 6 (34-56-78)
Validation Name
This field provides the name of the unit.
G/L Valid Value
The actual valid unit value to be compared to what the user may be entering as a distribution code. For example, if the only valid value for a specific unit is 1235-6?-???, input 12356 in this field.
If desired, a description of the unit may be entered. This may aid users in determining the values they require.

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