Wiki Things to explore#

  • Interwiki Links
  • Comment moderation (if it exists)
  • Forms

Plug-Ins to be considered:#

Color Code Plugin
A simple, configurable plugin to render arbitary source code texts (e.g., SQL, xml, shell-scripts) in color. Does not attempt to format/beautify the original. Includes SQL, C/C++, Java and Velocity configuration examples.
Category And Archive Extensions
Includes many interesting plug-ins including File Icon Plugin and category and archive utilities for creating galleries and bibliographies.
Latex Plugin
The Latex Plugin uses LaTeX to create PDF files out of Wiki content. It is useful for articles, reports, books or just to print Wiki content.
PDF Plugin
This is technically not a plugin, but I'm listing it here none the less. Check this out if you'd like to get your pages as PDF.
Modified/enhanced form of InsertPagePlugin, allows you to include a section of a page, has a default style, allows inclusion of pages via InterWikiLinks. This requires the enabling of XML-RPC
Form Mailer Plug In
A plug for forms handling to mail results
-- RForbes