Generating a Certificate for Personality#

Instructions are found at:

Used the JDK within my JDev environment and within it is a program called keytool:

In the CMD window do ...

  • CD C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk1.6\bin
  • keytool.exe -genkeypair -keyalg rsa -keystore HLKeystore -alias highline -keysize 2048
  • Asks for password for which I used h1ghl1n3
  • Asks for first and last name for which I entered James Aiken
  • Asks for name of organizational unit for which I entered Product Development
  • Organization - High Line Corporation
  • City or Locality – Markham
  • State or Province – Ontario
  • Two-Letter Country Code - CA

Shows the entries and asks for confirmation.

Wants a “key password” for the alias which I entered as the same as the keystore password.

The above creates a file called HLKeystore in the C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk1.6\bin folder.

Now to generate the Certificate Signing Request to be sent to Verisign:

keytool.exe -certreq -file certreq.csr -keystore HLKeystore -alias highline

This generates a file called certreq.csr in the folder.

Next steps are as follows:

  1. Begin the enrollment process for a Code Signing ID from the products and services section of the VeriSign Web site.
  2. Copy the contents of the CSR and paste them directly into the VeriSign enrollment form. Open the file in a text editor that does not add extra characters (Notepad or Vi are recommended).

Worked with Aileen to enter all the information and the CSR into the Verisign Website and now we just wait for them to send the info back.

Received Order Approval email the has the Digital ID to be imported into the HLKeystore.

Copied the Certificate part of the email to a text editor and saved it as cert.p7b.

Copied the cert.p7b file to C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk1.6\bin and then opened a cmd window into that folder.

Entered the following command: keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore HLKeystore -alias highline -file cert.p7b

entered password and certificate was installed into HLKeystore.

Zipped up and emailed the new HLKeystore to John and Dave to be used in the building (DD) of all EARs from here on in.


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