HIERARCHY_LISTENERS (System Preference)#

DescriptionThis preference will disable the "listener" that rebuilds the management hierarchy whenever a form is modified. Disabling this feature will avoid unnecessary calls to rebuild the hierarchy and restrict the builds to specific hierarchies instead of everything in the cache. Users are recommended to turn off the Hierarchy Listeners if loading large files that modify Assignment Detail, Position Detail or Department Detail records in LMTD. Once a load is complete the listeners should be turned back on.
Set atSite (IMST)
Takes EffectImmediately
Values Y or N
Default Y
NotesIf the records being loaded have changed any of the hierarchy, then it is recommended that the hierarchy be re-built. This can be done using the 'Rebuild Hierarchy' button currently on the IEAS, IDPS or IDDP forms. To do the Rebuild at the Entity level, the Rebuild Hierarchy' button can be added to this form using the IMFDH for the IDEN form.

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