Frequently Asked Questions - Approvals#

Approval Questions#

Q:What is the difference between WAxxx, WVxxx and WMxxx forms?#

A: The “WA” forms show all employees subject to the normal Security Views. These forms are intended for system administrators only.
The “WV” forms show all employees the user on is responsible for approving based on the Approval Process Definitions. These forms are intended for Approvers.
The WM” forms show all the employees who report (direct or indirect) to the Manager who is signed on. These forms are subject to the Manager hierarchy.

Q:Can an Approver change a PA Effective Date?#

A: No.

Q:Can certain users skip approval levels?#

Approvers who have been given the “up to approval level” capability have the authority to approve all steps up to and including the step they are authorized for, in one approval action.

Notes #

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