Equal Employment Opportunity - EEO1 Report#

Project Objective#

The project objectives are to replace the old REEO1 in order to support also multi – establishments, and to obtain the EEO -1 file data

Development Approach#

This is an optional section to describe the steps the developer would go through in fulfilling the project goals. 1. Questions / Additional Notes This section should contain questions that have been or need to be asked/answered so that the project can be completed. 1. This set up works well if 1 location is used by just 1 entity. What happens if more than one entity uses the same location as each entity would have their own unit numbers. 2. This set up also would not work if a department was spread out at multiple locations. See defect#38304 Development Problems / Issues Provide an outline of all problems, issues or challenges encountered while doing the development work (or anticipated up front).

Implementation This section MUST be filled out by the developer. It should provide an outline of any business or technical setup required, a list of all processing considerations, and a list of all functions involved in the setup and usage of the feature.

A) SET UP 1. On IMLN User Defined Lexicon: X_ORG_LEVEL_TYPE The E1 and E2 should be added like below

2. In IDOL the new organization levels should be added like below: a. Add one entry for Org Level with type “E EO Headquarter” with all the department that belongs to it

b. If it the customer is a multi-establishment employer then you should add as many entries for Org Level with Type EEO Locn Establishment as you need, and enter for each of them the departments that belong to it

3. IDLN screen for each EEO Establishment organization level the user need to set up the legal location address. The name of the location should be identical with organization level. e.g.

4. After the location is defined the user should enter the values for the following user fields. The user fields can be created manually in IMUF or automatic on first run of REEO1. 5. In IDEN the user should enter the “Company Number”. The “Company Number” user field can be created manually in IMUF or automatic on first run of REEO1


1. Parameters EEO1 File Name – is the name for EEO-1 data file If the Create Errors File is yes – an error file it will be created named EEO1_file_errors.csv If the Create Dump File is yes – an error file it will be created named EEO1_file_dump.csv If the Details in Dump File is yes – the EEO1_file_dump.csv file will have employee details information e.g a. EEO1_file.txt It will have also calculated the consolidate line if you do not have any filters at the level of the department or the headquarter departments are included in the list of departments and you have more then one establishment. The consolidated line it will be the first one in the file The headquarter line it will be the second if the consolidate line exist.

b. EEO1_file_errors.csv

c. EEO1_file_dump.csv

d. EEO1_file_dump.csv with details

2. EEO1 report it take in consideration for calculation the following values a. IMLN – X_EEO_CATEGORY, system supplied

b. IMLN – X_ETHIC, system supplied

Resources Released This does not need to include java classes but should include icons, style changes and documents.

Quality Assurance Note the QA person, date, feature QA’d and any comments or set up notes along with the severity or urgency of the issue. Please do not repeat the whole Requirements / Features section here. Include where you were working, the test case and all steps required to reproduce the issue if needed.

JE20080612 QA done on db02.hades, AS04 on Hermes, release 4.06.03

Set Up 1. IMLN – the user fields were already there, I believe they were brought in by seed data. The screen print in the project doc show the user fields are named slightly different than what they are in the system, ie: Unit Number versus EE01 Unit Number. I am guessing the screen print is old, and the doc not updated? 2. IDEN – the UDF prompt for Company Number is also different ie: Company Number versus EEO1 Company Number. 3. This doc is missing integral set up info which was found in a separate doc called HR_EEO1_Report written by CKwan. a. Define Entities County Name i. With IDEN Location code, go to IDLN form. Then in IDLN drop down from the GEO Tax Jurisdiction to IDTX, once there ensure the County Name is supplied. b. IDOL - for Multi-Establishment Employers Only i. For the Org Level Type “EEO Headquarters” users must specify the Entity name that the EEO Headquarter is reporting for in the Parent Entity field. ii. For the Org Level Type “EEO Locn Establishment” users must enter the Org Level Code from IDOL EEO Headquarter in the Parent Org Level field. This means this Location Establishment belongs to this EEO Headquarter.

Report Output#

  • It appears the report that is generated is an old one, dated 20050203. The report shown in CKwan’s doc HR_EEO1_Report is dated 20070904. Also report is still in Oracle, when will it be done in windward?
  • The ethnicity columns are incorrect. The report lists the following: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Indian when it really should be Hispanic, White, Black, Hawaiian, Asian, Indian, Two/More.
  • VMEX displays the following warning “HR#-00003: Person code of 100153 has non-specified ethnicity of 0206.” Ethnic code 0206 is US-Native Hawaiian/Pacific Isl which is an ethnic code used by EEO. Perhaps this is a fall out of the wrong report being used since this code is not listed in the report’s ethnic columns.
  • The data within the columns does not line up very well; the numbers should be centered with the column titles.
  • The report does not generate any of the output files. I have run this many times with no luck. I have also run this in trace mode but that did not give me any extra trace to determine what is causing the issue.