Processing Information#

The UP401K form allows you to flag 401K highly paid employees. This GES function is intended to be executed annually after the last payroll has been closed (UPCLOZ). Note that the last payroll is based on the Pay Issue date.

This process is needed to support the "Trim Compliance" report/file, since the determination of a "Highly Paid" employee is based on the employee's earnings in the prior calendar year.

Each year 401K supplies an annual earnings figure that will determine if an employee is considered highly paid. This function will compare each employee's annual earnings to that value. A User field will be attached to each employee's Identity record that will indicate if the employee is highly paid.

The exact structure of the user field is explained below. There is no user setup required however, since this function will automatically create it, and populate it for each employee.

User Field 401K HIGHLY PAID#

Although there is not setup required, the results of an execution of UP401K will be the following. The Year portion of the User Field Name will change each year and multiple entries will be visible in subsequent years.


User Field 401K HIGH PAY#

The annual wage for highly paid employees is entered as a User Field name 401K HIGH PAY. There must be an entry in this User Field for each year processed dated at the end of the year.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Employees to be reported are ONLY in certain Units. The Unit filter will provide for the ability to select ONLY the Units requested.

Report Parameters
Year End DateMandatory, Date LOV available
This field allows you to select the year end date for the report.
401KMandatory, LOV available
This field allows you to select the 401K for the report.
Exception LevelOptional, Trace Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Report Filters
UserCalcsOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the UserCalcs selected.

Notes #

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