Competency Search#

Main Panel
Skills Search showing Competencies for employees in the selected Job Profile, with higher bars denoting % match to Competencies for the Job Profile chosen.

Below the main chart (scroll bar to view) is a Table containing matching candidate details including: Candidate Code, Name, Type, Source % match, Email address, Phone# and Resume.

Link to Candidate via clicking on the bar chart or Candidate name in Candidate table.

Link to Resume via resume icon in the Candidate table.

Link to Candidate’s competencies via “% match” in the Candidate table.

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, download to PDF.

  • Job Profile
    • Drop down list of Job Profiles; defaults/populates form based on first (Alphabetical) Profile.
  • Job Competencies
    • Choose all, or select from the Competencies from the selected Job Profile.
  • Candidate Status
    • Drop down list of Candidate Status either All, or Newly Entered, or Active.
  • All/Any
    • All denotes “All Competencies”; will return matches only where the Candidate has all of the required Competencies. Any returns Candidates with any of the required Competencies (the bar chart below includes % match).

Sub Panel 1 (Form) - Drill to View Candidate Profile(WRRCP)
Two links on the main panel to the form View Candidate Profile:

1. From the a candidate bar in the Competencies Bar Chart
2. From the Candidate Name field in the table.

Sub Panel 2 - Candidate Competencies
Link from the % Match field on Candidate table.

Displays Candidates’ existing Competencies; view only.

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.

Sub Panel 3 (Form)
Brings the user to the Candidate Resume tab in the View Candidate Resumes form.