
Before the application can be functional, the Web Site Administrator must define and set up basic data such as defining the users who will be accessing Self Service and the roles they are to be assigned. In addition, this data must be maintained and updated on a regular basis.

My Personal Assistant#

The My Personal Assistant menu serves as a personal administration point for Web Site Administrator facility and contains key administration screens that will allow you to perform such tasks as modifying your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and tracking the status of the change requests you have made.
  • Search the Web (WGMWS)
  • View Company Directory (WGMCD)
  • View Org Chart (WGMOC)
  • View Employees by Position (WGDPC)

HR Requests for Administrators#

  • Process Personnel Actions (WADAR)
  • View Personnel Actions History (WADARH)
  • Process Training Request (WACAT)
  • View Training Request History (WACATH)
  • View Assigned Approval Processes (IEDAP)
  • View Pending Approval Records (IDVAP)
  • View All Approval Records (IDVAR)

Business Rule Set Up#

  • Establish Approval Processes (IDAP)
  • Maintain Lexicons (IMLN)

Site Customization#

The Site Customization section allows Web Site Administrators to customize the Self Service application to suit the company’s requirements.
  • Maintain Functions (IMFN)
  • Maintain Forms (IMFD)
  • Maintain Menus (IMMU)
  • Maintain List of Values (IMLOVL)
  • Maintain Lists of Values by Table (IMLOV)
  • Maintain Where Clause (IMWC)
  • Maintain Where Clauses by Table (IMDAO)
  • Maintain People List (IMPL)
  • Maintain Messages (IMMS)
  • Define Request Types (IMRT)

Site Security#

The Site Security section allows Web Site Administrators to create and maintain security within the Self Service application.
  • Create User Profiles (IMUS)
  • Create Role Types (IMRO)
  • Assign Roles to Users (IMUR)
  • Establish Execution Rights (IMER)
  • Establish Object Security (IMOS)
  • Establish Form Object Security (IMFOS)
  • Assign Security Rights (IMSV)
  • Short Cut Find Box (IMCMD)


The Translation menu allows you to customize the screen and field information within Self Service to languages other than English.


  • Manage All Requests for Users (WERQ)

Maintenance Outside of Self Service#

Notes #

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