Work Preferences is an optional feature which may be used by Candidates and by Recruiters in Self Service. Candidates are presented with a list of client defined filters they can select to create their own work preference. This work preference will then automatically search the list of open postings and will display back to the Candidate a list of postings that match their preferences. The Candidate can change their work preferences at any given time.

For a list of FAQs for Work Preferences please see the page titled FAQs - Candidate Work Preferences

Candidate Work Preferences#

Candidates are given the ability to define work preferences so that they may be able to narrow the list of postings to ones which match their defined work preferences. There are two screens for Candidate Self Service.

  1. WCRWP where new external candidates set up their work preferences. This is called in the New Candidate procedure
  2. WCRWPO where internal/external Candidates can reset work preferences and where they can see the list of matching postings

Any changes made to the work preference will update the postings list.

Only Postings that are OPEN or PARTIALLY FILLED and whose Closed Date is either null or greater than the As Of Date will be displayed to the Candidate.

If a Candidate drills down from a posting, the posting details will be shown.

A Candidate can apply to a posting by clicking on the Apply button. An application will be created to the selected posting. This button will only be available for open postings and if the Candidate is not already hired. A Candidate can apply multiple times to the same postings but only one application at a time will be active. If a Candidate does re-apply to the same posting the status for the previous application will become stale.

Any fields that are mandatory will display a red star beside the prompt. Mandatory fields are determined by the web administrator who defines the work preference options.

Depending on the options set up by the web administrator Candidates may be able to select multiple values for a preference ie: multiple cities

There is a Work Preference Status which reflects if all of the mandatory work preferences have been completed or not. If there are mandatory work preference options that have not been selected, the status will be Not Completed. If all of the mandatory preference options have been selected, the status will be Completed. These messages are handled via RCA_00029 and RCA_00030 and may be translated if needed.

The form WCRWPO calls a header html file that includes step by step instructions for the Candidates on how to fill in the work preferences.

Recruiter Work Preferences#

Recruiters can use the Work Preferences feature to narrow a list of Candidates down to those whose work preferences match a particular posting.

The form that Recruiters would use to search the list of Candidates is called WRRSC.

Recruiters can drill down from a Candidate to see the Candidate details information.

Required Set Up#

There are certain screens that must be completed in order for Work Preferences to be functional and available to end users. This set up is done in Professional starting off in IRWPO to define the Work Preference Options, IMLOV which will define the list of values by table and lastly in IMFD where the Work Preference Columns are added to WCRWP, WCRWPO and IRCWP.

Step 1 – Define Work Preference Options#

The System Manager will need to review what options should be made available to the Candidates. This is done in the form IRWPO. Here they can determine which options should be made a requirement for the Candidate to fill in and which options can allow multiple values. For example, allow location to have multiple values so Candidates can select a few different cities they wish to see postings for.

Options set up in IRWPO will dynamically create columns to be used in set up of the WCRWP and WCRWPO form in IMFD. This will be further explained in step 3.

Step 2 – Define List of Values by Table#

The second step to setting up Work Preferences is to define LOV’s for the work preference options which will be used in WCRWP and WCRWPO by the Candidates. This is done in IMLOV.

It is suggested that the LOV’s be prefixed with WP_ so that they are easily recognizable.

The Usage must be User Defined so that the LOVs are not removed when future releases are loaded.

The user must add the appropriate column to the LOV. This will be the list of values the Candidate will choose from for their preferences. The Usage for the column must also be User Defined.

LOV’s should be created for a base column or any foreign key that is available for that particular table. Items that are lexicons do not need an LOV to be created, for example Group Type. If you are unsure if the options you have selected in IRWPO are lexicons you can check in IMLN.

Users must also add the WORK PREFERENCE where clause to the LOV in order for the filters to be applied in WCRWPO. This where clause is provided with the system so there is no set up required for the where clause.

The WORK PREFERENCE where clause is only available to the following list of tables:

Step 3 – Add Work Preference Columns to WCRWPO for Defined Options#

In order for Candidates to be able to select the options defined in IRWPO, the System Manager must add these options to the WCRWPO form via IMFD.

The options defined in IRWPO will dynamically create columns which are to be added to the PREFERENCE Form Group in the Form Layout tab of the form.

The LK Item Name list will display many items however; the only options intended to be used for work preferences contain _WP at the end of the item name. For example, RCA.DLN_ID.DSP_ID_ADDRESS_WP.

The sequence should follow the same sequence of the options entered in IRWPO.

If the option was set up as Allows Multiple in IRWPO the Height must be at least 2.

Each column added here must have the Item Usage of User Defined.

The LOV’s which were created in Step 2 must be added to the appropriate work preference columns. For example, the WP_DSP_ID LOV has been added to the work preference column RCA.DLN_ID.DSP_ID_ADDRESS_WP

Step 4 – Add Header Info Preference to WCRWPO#

In IMFD for WCRWPO the user must add the Header Info preference to the form and in the value field specify the location of the WCRWPO_Header.html file. This header will provide the Candidate with instructions on how to select their work preferences.

The WCRWPO_Header.html file is located on the Application Server under Apache\Apache\htdocs\HLAppResources_ASXX\release\docs.

Specifying 215 after the location indicates the size of the header information within the form. If not provided, the header information in WCRWPO will still display however there will also be a scroll bar to view all of the text in the file.

Step 5 - Add Work Preference Columns to WCRWP for Defined Options#

In order for external Candidates to make use of the Work Preference feature the work preference options must be added to the form WCRWP via IMFD. The same rules apply to WCRWP as they did to WCRWPO for adding the work preference options columns. The SAME preferences must be added to WCRWP as they were added to WCRWPO. Please see Step 3 above for further details.

Step 6 - Add Work Preference Columns to IRCWP for Defined Options#

In order for System Administrators to maintain Work Preferences they must be able to keep track of which Candidates have work preferences saved and they must be able to access the selections if needed. The Work Preference options must be added to the form IRCWP via IMFD. The same rules apply as they did to WCRWPO for adding the work preference options columns. The SAME preferences must be added to IRCWP as they were added to WCRWPO. In IMFD for IRCWP, the work preference options must be added to the Form Groups Preference 1 and/or Preference 2. Preference 1 will list the work preferences on the left hand side of the form and Preference 2 will list the work preferences on the right hand side so you will end up with 2 columns of work preferences, instead of 1 long list. Please see Step 3 above for further details.

Step 7 – Add WCRWP to New Candidate Procedure#

The form WCRWP must be added to IMPC – Define User Procedures to the New Candidate Procedure. Once this is done new Candidates will now be able to set up their work preferences as they are proceeding through the new Candidate procedure.

Candidates’ use of Work Preferences#

With the above structure in place Candidates will be able to view Postings which match their defined Work Preferences.

Once signed into Self Service users need to navigate to the menu item called “My Work Preferences” which is tied to the WCRWPO form.

This will display a dialog box with the Work Preference Options which were defined in IRWPO. The Candidate will then select their preferred value(s) for the Work Preference Options. The Candidate needs to save after each selection so that the list of values in the next option is filtered down by that selection.

For example: A Candidate may select Missouri as a state, the Candidate then views the next option which is Location and will only see locations within in the state of Missouri, the Candidate will select Head Office as the location, then the next available option is Job Title which will only show Jobs within the Head Office location which is in the Missouri state.

This makes it easy for Candidates to view only postings matching their preference rather than having to scroll through a large number of postings.

The instructions at the top of the form display the WCRWPO_header.html file.

The actual work preference options are then listed. Once a Candidate selects their preferences and save the changes, a summary of their chosen preferences is displayed.

Recruiters’ use of Work Preferences#

WRRSC is used by Recruiters to show the open postings and a list of Candidates whose work preferences match the selected posting. This allows the Recruiter to search the pool of potential candidates for a particular posting.

The Recruiter can drill down from the posting record to open the WRRPO where he/she can see the posting information in more detail.

The Recruiter can also drill down from a Candidate record to open the WRRMCA form and see the Candidate’s information in detail.

Also displayed in the WRRSC are any current applications to a selected posting.

The Administrator will use the IRWPO screen to set up Work Preference Options. Here they can decide what preference options are available to the Candidates, ie: province/state, location, job title, position title, employment type…

Administrators/Recruiters have been given the ability to see Candidate work preferences on an individual basis. This has been done via a new form called IRCWP. This new form provides the ability to enter a Candidate’s work preference should the Recruiter need to make a change on behalf of a Candidate. This form also provides the ability to remove a saved work preference option for a Candidate, rather than having to use SQL scripts.


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