
Personality NextGen (NG, v5.00+) includes a Business Intelligence Dashboard feature for the Administrative, Manager and Employee applications.
This document includes a list (based on v5.03) of the available Dashboards by Role, the currently available components (panels/reports/forms) provided, and instructions on using/editing Dashboards and Panels.

Components of the Dashboard#

The Dashboard includes the following components:

Panels #

High Line uses the word 'Panel' to describe any graph, table and/or report that is created by/within the Dashboard. A description of the available Panels is provided in later sections.
Groupings of Panels are used in the Static and Dynamic Dashboards.

Static Dashboard
Static Dashboards are delivered as 'home' pages that cannot be edited by users. They consist of 4 - 5 pre-defined Panels in a single page. The intent is to provide a simple 'home' page for various users. A library of Static Dashboards (designed by Role) has been provided by High Line.

Security: Users must be given security access for each of the panels included in the static dashboard, as well as to the related drill-into forms. For example, the 'MyPayStub' Panel links to either pay stubs for printing or to disbursement information; the 'Profile' Panel links to the Employment Profile and/or Leave Balances. If a drill-into form is available for the user, mouse-over and visual cues will indicate.

Dynamic Dashboard (BMDD)
Dynamic Dashboards allow individual users to choose from a library of available Panels, to create their own dashboard(s). A library of Panels (designed by Role) has been provided by High Line.

Security: Users must be given security access for any panels to be available, as well as to related drill-into forms. For example, the 'DepartmentBudget' Panel drills to a report of Positions, and then to the Position (IDPS) form and/or the Posting (IRPO) form. If a drill-into form is available for the User, mouse-over and visual cues will indicate. The Dynamic Dashboard (BMDD) can also be turned on/off for Users/Roles based on function security.

Panels indicated as intended for Managers (see 'audience' in the Panels list) respect Manager Hierarchy (direct reports) as well as security defined on the IMSV (Assign Security Rights) form.
Panels indicated as intended for Administrators (see 'audience' in the Panels list) respect security defined on the IMSV (Assign Security Rights) form.

Data Grids (BEDG - HR Data Grid)
A simple reporting tool is optionally available; with base HR information. Reports created with the tool can be stored/output to various formats, and/or can be added by a user to their Dynamic Dashboard. Additional grids can be added over time; currently restricted to the HR Data Grid (BEDG).

Security: The Data Grid respects Manager Hierarchy (direct reports) as well as security defined on the IMSV (Assign Security Rights) form. The Grid (BEDG) can also be turned on/off for Users/Roles based on function security.

Static Dashboard ('home' pages)#

Dashboards List#

Dashboards have been created by Role.
RoleFunction Name*Included Panels (details provided in next sections)
Administrator (HRSS)HRSS_DASHBOARDProfile-NoPic, Outstanding Approvals, Location Map, Department Budget
Employee (ESS)ESS_DASHBOARD1Profile, MyPayStub, Twitter Feed, Current YTD Earnings
Employee (ESS)ESS_DASHBOARD2Profile, MyPayStub, NewsItems, Current YTD Earnings
Employee (ESS)ESS_DASHBOARD3Profile-NoPic, MyPayStub, NewsItems, Current YTD Earnings
Manager (MSS)MSS_DASHBOARD1Profile-NoPic, Outstanding Approvals, Absenteeism, Department Budget
Manager (MSS)MSS_DASHBOARD2Profile, OT Warning,Incidents, Absenteeism, Department Budget
Manager (MSS)MSS_DASHBOARD3(summer 2017)Profile, Outstanding Approvals, Absenteeism, Department Budget
Recruiter (RSS)RSS_DASHBOARD1Dynamic dashboard only (BMDD); no pre-set panels
Scheduler (SSS)SSS_DASHBOARDProfile, OT Warning, Incidents, Outstanding Approvals, Daily Work Schedule "Who's Here"
  • Note - names may change as additional boards are provided. Search Functions (IMFN, IMFDH) with the following: %Dashboard for updated names/options.

Assigning and Changing the chosen Dashboard(s)#

The provided panels can be used for any role that a client has created - limited by the functionality within the dashboard (i.e. a Manager dashboard would not be appropriate for an Employee).

Dashboards cannot be edited (other than the function's Web Address field).
See FAQ for adding additional Panels/Dashboards.


Ensure that your specified Role has been provided function access/security for the Dashboard(s) used. Use search string: %Dashboard in the Find box to see a list of provided Dashboards.

IMMU - Menus#

Dashboards are functions and are added to Menus via the Menu Definition (IMMU) form. Clients can control which Dashboard is provided for each Role/Menu, and can control if the Dashboard includes a Dynamic tab and/or a Data Grid tab (see additional topics below).

IMUS - Users#

Find the User's Profile on IMUS, then drill to the Roles assigned to confirm the Menu used for the User Profile's Role(s). User Profiles can have multiple Roles and therefore multiple menus; the highest Role sequence on the User Profile defines the default role.
For clients utilizing Recruiting: if an employee is linked to a Posting as a Recruiter, they will automatically be given the Recruiter Role (hidden), at sequence 999. Therefore, if a user wants the Recruiter role to show up as the employee's default role (on access to Self Service), leave the other roles as sequence <999. If the preference is for Employee, Manager, or some other role to be the default, assign those Roles to the User Profile with a sequence >999.

IMRO - Roles#

The 'Menus Assigned' tab is used to define the Menu to be used. For clients moving to NextGen from earlier versions, edits to existing menus will be required, to allow the Dashboards to be chosen and placed where preferred.

IMSV - Security Rights#

Users (i.e. Administrators and Managers) can be restricted to/from viewing Employee records via the Assign Security Rights form. Note that any panel listed as 'Manager' will also have manager hierarchy automatically assigned.

IMFN/IMFDH - Web Address (not commonly required)#

Dashboards are Functions and can be accessed via the IMFN (function) and IMFDH (form definitions) forms. Use search string: %Dashboard in the Find box to see a list of provided Dashboards.

Web Address edits are rarely required - Example:
If a new Dashboard has been defined for your organization, which is not yet in the Pre-loaded (seed data) list, extend/copy an existing Dashboard and edit the Web Address field.

Example: in the 5.02 release, a single ESS dashboard was provided as seed data, however, 2 dashboards are available. The Web Address fields for the 2 options are:
ESS Dashboard with pictures and (ESS_DASHBOARD1 from section above)

ESS Dashboard - no pictures, no twitter feed (ESS_DASHBOARD2 from section above)

Available Panels#


Each of the panels below is the 'start' form for one or more panels/reports; users drill into details/additional reports and potentially can drill into Personality forms. For the 'Module Pre-requisite', EMSS (Self Service) is required in all cases.
Panel Name (IMFN Function code)Panel TitlePre-requisiteAudience/Role(s)
Absenteeism (BAAA)Absenteeism Analysis FD, ATAdmin
Absenteeism (BAAAM)Absenteeism Analysis FD, ATManager
Budget (BDDB)Department Budget- AllFDAdmin
BudgetMyDepartment (BDDBM)Department Budget FDManager
Competency Search (BCCS)Competency Search FD, TD, REAdmin?
Current Year to Date Earnings (BEYE)Current Year to Date Earnings PREmployee
Daily Work Schedule (BTWS)Daily Work Schedule('Who's Here')FD, TSAdmin, Scheduler
Daily Leaves - Department (BADLM)Daily Leaves ('Who's away') - Department FD, ATManager
Daily Leaves - Admin (BADL)Daily Leaves ('Who's away') - All FD, ATAdmin
EmplHolidayCalendar (BEHC)Holiday Calendar FDEmployee
Expired Certificate Warning (BCEC)Expired Certificate Warning FD, TD, REManager, Admin
Emergency Contacts (BECT)Employee Contacts FD (BE)Admin
Emergency Contacts (BECTM)Emergency Contacts FD (BE)Manager
Employee Count (BECN)Employee Count FD (BE)Admin
Employee Count (BECNM)Employee Count FD (BE)Manager
Funds Nearing Completion (BPFNC)Funds Nearing Completion FD, PRManager
Get GEO Codes (BDGG)Get GEO Codes FDAdmin
Incidents (BSIN)Incidents FD, SHManager
Location Map (BDLM)Location Map FDManager, Admin
My Calendar (BEAC)My Calendar FDManager, Employee
MyPaystub (BESTUB)My Paystub PREmployee
NewsItems (BENI)News Items FDEmployee
OutstandingApprovals (BDATD)Approvals Outstanding for All Users (Admin form) FDAdmin
OutstandingApprovalRecords (BDATDM)Approvals Outstanding for Current User FDManager
OutstandingWorkFlow (BWTD)Workflow to Complete(was 'Bottleneck Report')FD, WFAdmin
OutstandingWorkFlowEvents (BWTDM)Workflow to Completefor UserFD, WFManager
Overtime (BPOW)Overtime Warning PRManager, Admin
PA Scoreboard (BDPAS)PA Scoreboard FDManager
Profile-nopic (BEPN)Profile - no picture FDEmployee
Profile (BEPP)Profile FDManager, Employee
Quick Links (BDQL)Quick Links FDEmployee, Manager
RecruitmentSourcesAndCosts (BRSC)Recruitment Sources and Costs FD, REAdmin, Recruiter
Salary Survey (BSSU)Salary Survey SAManager, Admin
Total Compensation (BPTC)Total Compensation Year to Date PREmployee
Turnover (BDTO)Turnover FDAdmin
Turnover (BDTOM)Turnover FDManager
Twitter feed (BETW)Twitter feed n/aEmployee
URL Embedding (BDUE)URL Embedding- Samplen/aManager, Employee
Web Links (BDWL)Web Links- Samplen/aManager, Employee
Year to Date Earnings (BPYTD)Current Year to Date Gross Earnings PREmployee

Panel Details #


Absenteeism Analysis (BAAA / BAAAM) #

There are two versions of this panel; one for managers (BAAAM) and one for administrators (BAAA). They function identically. The manager version is restricted to the employees that report to the user. The administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security). Example: can be used to restrict by Department).

Main Panel#

DescriptionBar chart. Leave hours taken by Department, Leave Type, Period of time. Allows drill to details.
ParametersDepartments: List of departments. Can be restricted by User/Role security rights on IMSV, or users can choose from the drop-down list.
Leave Types: Users can choose from the drop-down list.
For (period of time): Users can choose from the drop-down list.

Sub-Panel 1: Leaves taken for Month, Year#

DescriptionPie chart. Leave hours taken by Type, for the Department(s) and Leave Type(s) chosen in the prior panel, for month defined through drill-into.
Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.
ParametersDepartments: List of departments. Can be restricted by User/Role security rights on IMSV, or users can choose from the drop-down list. Defaults from prior form and can be edited here.
Leave Types: Users can choose from the drop-down list. Defaults from the prior form and can be edited here.

Sub-Panel 2: Absenteeism Analysis: Total Absent Days by Department for Month, Year#

DescriptionTable. Total Absent Days by Department, for the Department(s) and Leave Type(s) chosen in the prior panel, for month defined through drill-into.
Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.
ParametersDepartments: List of departments. Can be restricted by User/Role security rights on IMSV, or users can choose from the drop-down list. Defaults from the prior form and can be edited here.
Leave Types: Users can choose from the drop-down list. Defaults from the prior form and can be edited here.

Notes #

Created manager versions of the drill down panels and corrected links. Added new function to IMFN for BAAAM


Department Budget (BDDB) Budget#

There only one versions of this panel; for administrators (BDDB). The manager version of this report is obsolete and has been removed. The administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security). Example: can be used to restrict by Department.

Allows administrators to view departmental budgets across the organization.

Main Panel#

DescriptionBar Chart showing FTE Count by Department. Shows Authorized, Actual, Available and Overage.
ParametersDepartments: Users can choose from the drop down list with option for All Departments, or select one or more from the list.

Users can select a number in the Top X box which defines the number of Departments displayed.

Restricted by the Manager's direct reports as well as IMSV security.

Note: Security settings can cause totals displayed to differ by User.
FTE Over: Users can enter a number in the FTE Over box.

Sub-Panel 1: Position Codes and Titles in Department#

DescriptionTable. List of position codes based on the Department bar selected in the main panel. This table includes the Position Code, Position Title, Authorized FTEs, Actual FTEs, Variances and Requisitions.

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.

Note: Security settings can cause different number/totals to be displayed by different users.
ParametersShow Positions As Of date
Data Source
Column NameLinks To
Position CodeIDPS
Position TitleIDPS
Authorized FTE IDPS
Actual FTE Sub Panel - Budget Assigned For Position
Variance Sub Panel - Budget Assigned For Position
RequisitionsSub Panel - Requisitions For Department

Sub-Panel 2 (Form): Position For Department#

DescriptionWhen any Position Code or Title is selected, users are brought to the Define Positions (IDPS) form. Respects form security. Example: If a user does not have access to a sub-form defined, they cannot drill into through the panel).

Note: Organizations must review the drill-into form and edit it to match their requirements for Managers/Administrators viewing and/or editing rights. As with all forms, respects form/object security by User/Role.

Sub-Panel 3: Requisitions for Department#

DescriptionThis table shows Requisitions for the Position selected in the Sub Panel 2. The table will show the Job Profile for the posting and the Posting Code which is a link to IRPO.
ParametersShow Positions As Of date

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Competency Search (BCCS) #

Main Panel#

DescriptionSkills Search showing Competencies for employees in the selected Job Profile. The higher bars denoting % match to Competencies for the Job Profile chosen.
Below the main chart (scroll bar to view) is a Table containing matching candidate details including: Candidate Code, Name, Type, Source % match, Email address, Phone# and Resume.
* Link to Candidate by clicking on the bar chart or Candidate name in Candidate table.
* Link to Resume by clicking on the resume icon in the Candidate table.
* Link to Candidate's competencies by clicking the '% match' in the Candidate table.

* Includes: Download to spreadsheet, download to PDF.
ParametersJob Profile: Drop down list of Job Profiles. Defaults/populates form based on first (alphabetical) Profile.
Job Competencies: Choose all, or select from the Competencies from the selected Job Profile.
Candidate Status: Drop down list of Candidate Status. Options are All, Newly Entered, or Active.
All/Any: "All" denotes 'All Competencies'. Will return matches only where the Candidate has all of the required Competencies.
"Any" returns Candidates with any of the required Competencies (the bar chart includes a % match).

Sub-Panel 1: Drill to View Candidate Profile (WRRCP)#

DescriptionTwo links on the main panel to the View Candidate Profile form:
* Select from the candidate bar in the Competencies Bar Chart
* Select from the Candidate Name field in the table.

Sub-Panel 2: Candidate Competencies#

DescriptionLink from the % Match field on the Candidate table.
* Displays Candidates' existing Competencies. View only.

* Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.

Sub-Panel 3 (Form): Drill to Maintain Candidate Resumes (WRRCR)#

DescriptionTakes the user to the Candidate Resume tab in the View Candidate Resumes form.

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Daily Work Schedule (BTWS) - 'Who's Here'#

Main Panel#

DescriptionTable of employees scheduled to work on the date selected, and clock in-out times, if available.
ParametersDate: Date field allows specific date selection
Work Areas: Users can select from the drop down list for Defined Work Areas with Work Division, Work Area and Work Station included in the drop down option to select.
* Based on the Date and the Work Area selected, the table will show employees in that Work Area with Shift start/end times, and clock-in times, where provided.

Note: Work Rules/Time Rules for clock in-out, such as rounding, tolerance, etc., will be applied in the Timesheet.

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Daily Leaves Department/Daily Leaves Admin (BADL / BADLM) - 'Who's Away'#

There are two versions of this panel; one for managers and one for administrators. They function identically. The manager version is restricted to the employees that report to the user. The administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security). Example: can be used to restrict by Department.

Main Panel#

DescriptionDefaults to today's date, the employees on leave will be displayed. Users are able to view the status of leave requests through icons, and can drill to the Review Employee Leaves Calendar (WMALP) to approve/deny the Leave.
ParametersDate/Day:Allows a Manager to change to a future/past date. Note: The Calendar function noted in the Sub Panel/Form below also allows month/date selection.

Leaves: Leaves display an icon to indicate if they have been approved (check mark) or awaiting approval (question mark). Leaves that do not require approval, such as Sick, are determined by Approvals logic and will display a check mark.

Example: They are inherently 'approved'. Mouse-over shows 'not required'.

* The Leaves shown are restricted by the Lexicon 'X_DASH_LEAVE_TYPES'. The lexicon's Saved Values = the Leave Type code(s) to be displayed. Best practice is to copy-paste the exact code from the Policy Type - IAPT form).

Sub-Panel 1 (Form): Leave Approvals#

DescriptionClicking on a detail row in Sub Panel 1 takes the user to the Approvals form (WMALP - Review Employee Leaves, assuming execution security is defined for the user.
The WMALP form also allows users to view Leaves by week or month.

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Employee Holiday Calendar (BEHC)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionTable. Displays the Holiday Calendar applicable to the employee, based on their Work Rule Holiday Calendar, through the Assignment to Work Rule to Holiday Calendar - IDHC.

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Expired Certificate Warning (BCEC)#

Intended for Managers or Administrators, utilizes Security Rights (IMSV) security.

Main Panel#

DescriptionHeat gauge showing a Days Overdue warning. Days Overdue is based on the End Date in the Skills-Competencies tab on the Maintain Personal Qualifications (ICPQ) form. The date range that will trigger records to move the needle, and be included in the sub panel table, is three months prior to and three months ahead of the current date.

The heat gauge numbers are driven by the greatest number of days overdue and the needle will point to this number in the gauge.

Overdue due date days are in the red sector. Upcoming due date days are in the yellow sector.

Sub-Panel 1: Expired Certificates#

DescriptionList of employees with information on their Category, Competence, Expiration and Days to Expiration.

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Employee Emergency Contacts (BECTM)#

This panel is used by Manager to view employee emergency contacts and is restricted to the employees that report to the user.
Setting up the emergency toggle will pull up the employee into BECTA panel.

Main Panel#

DescriptionDisplays all employee's emergency contacts, includes the employee name, contact name, relationship to the employee and up to three phone numbers.

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Employee Count (BECN/BECNM)#

There are two versions of this panel; one for managers (BECNM) and one for administrators (BECN). They function identically. The manager version is restricted to the employees that report to the user. The administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security).

Example: Can be used to restrict by Department.

Main Panel#

DescriptionPie chart. Displays the number of employees based on the 'Pay Type' defined on the Define Groups (IDGR) form.
ParametersEntity: Multiple values
State: Multiple values
Location: Multiple values
Days Since Last Worked: Maximum 999. Displays all active employees, by 'Pay Type', who have worked in the last number of days defined.
(Based on Assignment, Status and Prime Assignment only (IEAS), and 'Last Worked Date' (IEEI)

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Funds Nearing Completion (BPFNC)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionTable with GL Fund Code, Description, Given, Actual and Balance.

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.

Sub-Panel 1: Postings for GL Fund Code#

DescriptionTable with Account code, Department Code, Distribution Code, Employee #, Employee Name, and Amount.

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.
ParametersFund Code: Field for selecting a Fund Code
GL Accounts: Field for selecting GL Accounts

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Get GEO Codes (BDGG) #

Main Panel#

DescriptionTable Showing Locations. This includes the Location Code, Address, Latitude and Longitude.

This panel requires special configuration for it to work out-of-the-box. It goes to Google Maps and translates the address into a set of longitude and latitude coordinates, then stores this in a new table, which is used by the Location Map panel to positon locations on the global map.

NOTE:The Get GEO Codes button needs to be pressed several times until all the locations have been found. To work fully, this panel requires a licensed version of Google API.

Without a Google API license, it will resolve only a few addresses each time it is run (this can appear to be a bug, but it is a restriction of the license.) Clients can purchase a Google API license.

Also see Location Map (which utilizes the results of the 'get Geo Codes' function).

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.

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Incidents - BSIN#

Main Panel#

DescriptionPie Chart showing Safety Incidents by Type, for the time period selected.
ParametersIncidents: Incidents for specific years can be shown using this selection field. Displays either ALL or specific years. When a segment is selected, drills to a sub panel.

Sub-Panel 1: Case Summary#

DescriptionThe heading will relate to the pie chart segment selected. Displays the Case #, Date, Reason and Reported By.

Sub-Panel 2 (Form): Drill to Track Health Issues (IHHI)#

DescriptionThe Case # field is a link to the associated record in the Track Health Issues (IHHI) form.

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Location Map (BDLM)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionZoom-capable map showing locations where employees work (based on the Location defined on IEAS). Locations will be grouped together and color coded depending on the level of the zoom.

Note: For organizations with more than 10 locations: to work fully, this panel requires a licensed version of Google API.

See the 'Get Geo Codes' function for additional details.

  • Yellow is for a group of 10 or more locations
  • Blue is for a group of 2 to 9 locations
  • A red icon is for a single location

Continually clicking on a yellow or blue icon will zoom in until single locations are shown.
Clicking on a red icon will display information on the Location code.
Clicking on the name of the Location drills to the details of employees at the Location.

Sub-Panel 1: Location Details#

DescriptionPop-up. Location address and employee count.

Sub-Panel 2: Location Map#

DescriptionTable showing details of employees at the Location. Displays Department Code, Employee Name, Phone Number and email address.

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My Calendar (BEAC)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionUsers are presented with a calendar for a one-month period.
ParametersCalendar: Use the calendar options provided to change year/month.

Note: This is designed to work best as a single panel/uses the full width of the dashboard.

Sub-Panel (Forms): Varies based on Main Panel contents#

DescriptionPop-up. Address and Employee count.

When a red rectangle is selected, users are brought to an Admin Edition form. The specific form will depend on the date within the month in view.

When an employee name is selected users are brought to the employee's My Personal Profile form.

Sub-Panel 2: Location Map#

DescriptionTable showing details of employees in the Location: Department Code, ID, Name, Phone, Extension, Salary

Note: This form will be updated in upcoming versions, eliminating ID and Salary, and adding e-mail address.

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My Pay Stub (BESTUB)#

Users can review their pays and either print a paystub (RESTUBD), or if that feature is not used, directs users to a user-defined Pay Stub information form (configurable by clients on IMFN), or a customized version of that form.
Selection of the Paystubs will be by PPH_ID, not pay number as employees can have multiple pays with the same pay number if they have multiple employments.

Main Panel#

DescriptionBar Chart. Displays Deductions and Net Pay color coded bars. Gross Pay is indicated in dollars.

Pay Components displayed are based on the Elements defined on the 'Define Payrolls' (IPPR) form and therefore will be the same as the Personality pay stub utilized.
ParametersPay Period: Drop down list of Pay Periods. Pay #s allow an employee to select different pay periods.

Print icon available. Takes users to Print Paystubs (RESTUBD) or to a user-defined Pay Stub Details page.

The drill-into for Print is determined by a Preference on the Maintain Client Site Information (IMST) form. If no preference exists, the system will default to RESTUBD.

Preference = LOGI_STUB_TARGET such as RESTUBD

Sub-Panel 1: Pay Details for Pay Period#

DescriptionThe table displays the Pay Period, Pay Issue Date, Earnings, Deductions, Benefits, Others and Net.
ParametersPay Period: Select a different pay period to display.

Sub-Panel 2: Pay Break Down Chart#

DescriptionPie Chart and table of pay components and amounts. Individual segments are color coded and the details for each color-coded segment is shown below the chart.

Includes: Print - see Main Panel - same functionality.
ParametersPay Period: Select a different pay period to display.

* The Earnings, Deductions, Benefits and Other dollar amounts drill down to display a related pie chart.
* Click on the legend (small colored boxes) to remove items from the chart.

Sub-Panel 3 (Form): Payroll Deposits#

DescriptionThe Print icon in the Main Panel and the Sub Panel 2 will open either the Payroll Deposit Report for (RESTUBD) or a user-defined version of the View My Pay Stubs form, which has its own 'print' icon.

For RESTUBD, click on the 'Launch' icon to prepare the report. Once it completes, a pdf file will open.

The drill-into for Print is determined by a Preference on the IMST form. If no preference exists, the system will default to RESTUBD.
Preference = LOGI_STUB_TARGET such as RESTUBD

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News Items (BENI)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionSimilar to the 'messages' function in the standard Self Service menus, displays Notes which conform to the following:

* Notes must have start/end dates; the current date must fall within these dates for the note to display.
* The Note Type must be defined as MEMO.
* Notes can be from the Entity, Department, Unit, Job and Identities.
* Notes support HTML formatting.
* The first sentence is displayed (up to the first period). The remainder is displayed when you hover over the line.
* The entire note can be forces to display by wrapping it in <P>...</P> (The less than symbol must be the first character in the note).

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Outstanding Approvals (BDATD/BDATDM)#

The purpose of this panel is to alert Administrators/Managers to unfinished and/or overdue Approvals.

There are two versions of this panel; one for managers (BDATDM) and one for administrators (BDATD). They function identically. The manager version is restricted to the employees that report to the user. The administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security).

Example: Can be used to restrict by Department.

Note: The panel does not show activities for other users.

Main Panel#

DescriptionTable. List of outstanding Approval tasks.

Allows sort by any column. Example: sort by the user or date by clicking on the column heading.

Allows column order to be re-arranged (not applicable to the Static Dashboards). Mouse over the column headings to see the icon appear to move columns.

Users can drill into the item to complete. Drills to the View All Approval Records (IDVAR) form.

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Outstanding WorkFlow Events (BWTD/BWTDM) - formerly 'Bottleneck Report'#

The purpose of this panel is to alert Administrators/Managers to unfinished and/or overdue Workflow.

There are two versions of this panel; one for managers (BWTDM) and one for administrators (BWTD). They function identically. The manager version is restricted to the employees that report to the user. The administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security).

Example: Can be used to restrict by Department.

Main Panel#

DescriptionTable. List of outstanding Workflow tasks, due within 60 days of current date.

Lists all outstanding Workflow and Approvals tasks.

Allows sort by any column. Example: Sort by the user or date by clicking on the column heading.

Allows column order to be re-arranged. Mouse over the column headings to see the icon appear to move columns.

Allows drill-into the form required for completion, subject to IMSV security. Example: The user must have access to the employee and the specific form called from the Workflow Action.

Note: Users can drill into the item to complete it, however, the table will not update/refresh simply by completing an edit (task does not 'complete'), unless completion criteria is outlined in the Workflow Action.

The table is controlled by Action Status on the Define Workflow Actions (IMWA) form. If it is not updated to 'completed', the item will continue to show on the list.

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Personnel Actions Scorecard (BDPAS)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionBar Chart. Displays Average Days to complete and PA Count.
ParametersPA Type and PA Status: Users can select All or one or more items from the PA Type and PA Status fields.
Date: A start and end date can be selected. The date range can cover multiple years, in which case there will be a separate set of bars for each year.

Sub-Panel 1: PA Scorecard Details#

DescriptionDrill down from a chart's bar to a table showing the PA details including the Person Code and Name, PA Number, Create Date and Days to Complete. The Indicator shows:
* Red: Not Completed
* Green: Completed

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet and download to PDF.
ParametersPA Type and PA Status: Users can select the PA Type and PA Status from the drop down lists.
Year: Users can select a specific year to display

Sub-Panel 2 (Form): View Personnel Actions#

DescriptionSelecting an employee name in the Name column brings takes the user to the View Personnel Action History form.

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Profile with/without Picture (BEPN and BEPP)#

There are two versions of this panel; one shows 2 leave banks plus a picture of the employee (BEPP - for clients using this feature), the other shows 3 leave banks and no picture (BEPN).

Main Panel#

DescriptionIncludes the employee name, title, person code, two/three boxes for leave balances and a Photo (Profile), in the BEPP panel only.

  • The Policy Types shown in the Boxes are determined by a lexicon which contains the Leave Type to be displayed.
  • Clients must create the lexicon and its values in the Maintain Lexicons (IMLN) form.
  • The Lexicon Name must be 'X_DASH_LEAVE_PROFILE'. The Saved Values field should be the Leave Type code to be displayed. Best practice is to copy and paste the exact code from the Policy Type (IAPT) form.
  • Two values can be used in the 'Photo' profile (BEPP) and three in the 'No Photo' profile (BEPN). Three values can be defined in the Lexicon for clients who use both. The last will be ignored in the 2-panel profile form.
  • Click on any of the boxes to drill to the Leave Balance details.
  • Click on the Photo, if used, to drill to the Employee Profile.

Sub-Panel 1: Leave Balances#

DescriptionTable. Displays the leave type, leave year, earned, taken and balance for all active leave types.

Sub-Panel 2 (Form): My Personal Profile (WEEPP)#

DescriptionClicking on the Photo in the Main panel drills to the My Personal Profile (WEEPP) form.

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Quick Links (BDQL)#

Main Panel#


A set of configurable icons used for fast screen navigation.

A predefined menu entry has been created in IMMU (DASH_EE_ICONS) with several functions. The displayed icon can be chosen from over 600 Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) images list at Font Awesome's web site here

These icons can only be used with the quick links panel are not available for use to use with any other aspect of IMMU setup.

Icon Names included in the BI Dashboard at https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/
Colour Action Values are:

  • Primary – Royal Blue
  • Success - Green
  • Info – Light Blue
  • Danger - Red
  • Warning - Yellow


Recruitment Sources and Costs (BRSC)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionA Horizontal bar chart shows in the vertical axis the Source for each bar and the Recruitment Cost in the horizontal axis.

* Source is determined based on the Candidate_Source field on the Candidate form, based on the Candidate's Submitted_On date value.
* Costs are determined by Costs linked to the Candidate (by Source).
* The blue bar displays the matching # of Candidates that match the source for the time period chosen. Mouse-over the bar displays the #, such as the # of Candidates found via the Source.
* An orange bar will appear when costs are linked to the Candidates for the Source. Mouse-over displays the total $ amount for the Source/Candidates.
* Click on a bar in the table to drill to details.
ParametersTime Period: Select a time period from the drop-down list. Defaults to 'last 6 months'.
Recruitment Source, Recruitment Cost: Select/deselect information to view by clicking on the colored icons next to the field.

Sub-Panel 1: Candidates from Self-Service Web Sources#

DescriptionTable. Displays the Candidates with Cost Category details: Cost, Cost Date, Posting Code and Recruiter.
Click on the Posting # to drill to detailed costs by Posting.

Includes: Excel, E-mail links

Sub-Panel 2: Cost for Posting Code#

DescriptionTable. Displays the Costs for the Posting Code selected: Job Profile, Posting Status and the Cost.

Includes: Excel, E-mail links

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Salary Survey (BSSU)#

This panel is currently being updated - specifications below will change post 5.03.

Main Panel#

DescriptionPie chart. Displays Organizational Scorecard by Departments. Color-coded by level over/under Survey midpoints.

The pie chart has two segments:
* The red segment shows the number of departments with variances of less than 0%
* The orange segment shows departments with variances greater than 0%.
ParametersSurvey Source:
Survey Date: From surveys entered on the Record Salary Surveys (ISSV) form.
Region: from the ISSV form
Toggles: Report By Departments or Jobs
Effective Date Calendar:

Sub-Panel 1: My Departments#

DescriptionIf the Report By toggle for Departments is set to ON, then this is the sub panel that users are taken to. Table shows Department, Head Count, Variance % and Indicator:
* Red for a variance greater than 25%
* Yellow for a variance between 0% and 25%
* Green for a variance less than 0%
ParametersDepartment: My Department(Contained the default ALL however there were no items in the list)
Variance Toggles: for <= 0, <= 25% and >25%

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet and download to PDF.

Sub-Panel 1A: My Department Details#

DescriptionDrill down from a department code in sub-panel 1 to a table showing Department, Person Code, Job & Position Codes, Wage Rate, Region, Survey Min/Mid/Max and Variance.

Sub-Panel 2 (Form): Links to Forms #

DescriptionEach field indicated below drills down to a different form. There are links to these forms from fields in the Department Details.
ParametersEmployee Name drills to View My Employees:
* Job Code drills to Define Jobs
* Position Code drills to Define Positions
* Wage Survey fields drill to Record Wage Surveys

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet and download to PDF.

Sub-Panel 3: My Direct Reports#

DescriptionIf the Report By toggle for Jobs is set to ON, then this is the sub panel that users are taken to. Table showing the Job Code, # of Employees, Variance and Indicator.
ParametersDirect Reports: My Direct Reports: (Shows ALL but there are no options in a drop down list)
Variance toggles: <=0, <=25%, and >25%

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet and download to PDF.

Sub-Panel 3A: My Employees#

DescriptionTable showing Department, Person Code and Name, Job Code, Wage Rate, Variance, Region and Survey Min/Mid/Max columns.

Sub Panel 4 (Form): Links to Forms #

DescriptionEach field indicated below drills down to a different form.
From the Department Details table - links to forms:
* Employee name drills to View My Employees
* Job Code drills to Define Jobs
* Position Code drills to Define Positions
* Region drills to Define Positions
* Wage Survey fields drill to Record Wage Surveys

Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet and download to PDF.

Notes #

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Total Compensation (BPTC)#

Main Panel#

Pie chart showing segments representing earnings and other compensation for the current year to date.

Note: The values shown are for the current employment and display based on the 'To Dates' tables, YTD (such as reporting on payroll results as stored in YTD pay component values).
Reports Pay Components with Usage Code = 2 (total deductions), 3 (net pay) or 13 (employer-paid benefit).

Turnover (BDTO / BDTOM)#

There are two versions of this panel, one for managers and one for administrators. They function identically: the manager version is restricted to the employees that report to the user; the administrator version will see all employees (subject to IMSV security). Example: Can be used to restrict by Department.

Main Panel#

Pie chart showing segments representing different termination reasons with numbers indicating the number of terminations for each segment.

Note: The #'s/totals shown will differ based on a user's security settings. Example: if provide only the Manager version, or to specific departments, will not see accurate information; clients may wish to provide Managers and Administrators with the Administration version, for accuracy in reporting).
Field to enter the terminations within the last user defined number of months.

Sub Panel 1 - Turnover by Org level#

Table for turnover by Org level with columns for Org Level, Terminations, Hires Turnover
Org Level Type
Field to select an Org Level Type
Field for number of months for terminations and new hires.

Sub Panel 2 - Turnover by Department#

Table showing the Org Level Code, Department Code, Terminations, New Hires and Turnover.
Option to select the number months for turnover.

Twitter Feed (BETW)#

Main Panel#

The main panel shows a series of Twitter Feeds. These are view only and represent the last messages sent through a pre-determined account (configured at client site) for an appropriate/preferred twitter feed.

Intended as a 'group' twitter feed. Example: For a project team or organizational twitter account, for public messages / direct messages.

Clients may wish to include a group / project / organizational twitter account/feed in their available panels (also exists on an employee static dashboard option).

Instructions to configure the twitter feed are provided via the following Logi URL:

High Line can also provide assistance with the setup of this feature.

URL Embedding (BDUE) - SAMPLE#

URL's can be embedded into a panel for quick access - a sample is provided. This is currently not editable at client sites. Clients with specific requests to use this functionality should contact High Line (via addition of Ccare case for the function).

Web Links (BDWL) - SAMPLE#

Links to other web pages can be embedded into a panel for quick access - a sample is provided. This is currently not editable at client sites. Clients with specific requests to use this functionality should contact High Line (via addition of Ccare case for the function).

Year to Date Earnings (BPYTD)#

Main Panel#

Pie chart showing segments representing earnings and other compensation for the current year to date.

Note: The values shown are for the current employment and display based on the 'To Dates' tables, YTD. Example: Reporting on payroll results as stored in YTD pay component values.
  • Reports Pay Components with Usage Code = 2 (total deductions), 3 (net pay) or 13 (employer-paid benefit)
  • Reports Pay Components with Usage Code = 1 (Gross Earnings)


Can clients add their own dashboards?#

No. (see 'edit the dashboards, below). Dashboards can be copied and re-named, and used for different Roles, but cannot be edited. This is due to the nature of the sub-license of the product used.

Can clients edit the dashboards?#

Clients cannot edit the Dashboard Functions. If additional Dashboards, or edits to the existing dashboards, are preferred, please contact High Line (through a CCare case) to request the change.

Note: High Line will create new Panels and Dashboards assuming they are usable for the customer community. Example: User-defined fields and user-defined columns are not supported as they are client-specific.

Can clients add new panels/reports? #

Clients and their employees can add High Line-provided panels to the Configurable Dashboard - the system will remember each users' dashboard setup/preferences.
Clients are not able to add their own panels/reports to the panels list. This is due to the nature of the sub-license of the product used.

See 'request new panels/reports'.

How do we enable/secure panels for Users/Roles?#

Each of the panels noted is a function within Personality, and can be secured by User/Role in the same manner as other functions (such as through IMFN, IMFDH, IMER). The detail lists found in earlier sections include the function name.

Is Employee Security/Manager Hierarchy/'reports-to' enabled?#

Yes. In v.5.03+, a limited version of the manager hierarch logic has been enabled.
Example: When your Managers see forms in Self Service, they can view direct reports as well as indirect.

Due to performance limitations, in Logi, currently only direct reports-to employees are displayed for 'Manager' roles. For panels that are intended for Administrators, all employees can be viewed, based on IMSV security settings; therefore, Clients can restrict users' access to different employee departments/groups/entities, etc., via the IMSV form.

How do we get/request additional reports?#

High Line will work with clients to add additional reports (being labeled as 'panels' in order to avoid confusion with existing reports and elements).

To request a new panel, please enter the request via CCare, including specifications for the initial panel and sub-panels/drill into's. Include the fields that are required for each panel and sub-panel/drill-into's, as well as any parameters required (parameters are the fields at the top of panels that allow users to changes dates, periods of time, etc.).

High Line will review all requests and is very interested in developing new reports/panels that will be of interest to the client community. Costs may apply depending on the use/value of the item.

Note: High Line will create new Panels and Dashboards assuming they are usable for the customer community, such as user-defined fields and user-defined columns are not supported as they are client-specific (new database fields will be considered that would replace a client-specific UDC/UDF).

How do we learn about new dashboards and panels/reports?#

The Release notes provided with releases/updates will include new Dashboards offered. The Release Wiki is also a reference, and this document will be updated as new items become available.