Approvers are categorized by type which are defined in the X_APPROVER_TYPE lexicon as follows:

X_APPROVER_TYPE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed Value
01 Department ManagerAn employee who is identified on the department (IDDP) as the `Dept. Supervisor' or Manager- Person Code.
02 Position ManagerAn employee who is identified on the position (IDPS) as the `Supervisor by' or Classification-Manager.
03 Assignment ManagerAn employee who is identified on the assignment (IEAS) the employee as Service-Supervised By.
04 First Manager
05 User with MatchA specific employee who is identified under Last, First.
06 ManagerCurrently not supported.
07 Specified PersonA specific employee who is identified in the IEID form.
08 Spec List Of PeopleThis identifies multiple people who qualify to be approvers. Note: Only People Lists that are defined through Personality can only used in this selection. People Lists are cased on Where Clauses.
09 Last Approver's Manager
10 All ManagersIf an employee has multiple managers the ‘All Managers’ option will allow anyone of the managers to approve. For example, Fred is the employee’s Position manager, James is the Assignment manager, and Sheila is the Department manager. If using ‘All Managers’ anyone of the three can approve
12 Owner The Owner is the person who is the employee who the approval entity is for. Eg. If a timesheet is being approved, the employee for the timesheet becomes the approver. This is typically used for managers to send a timesheet back to an employee for changes after it is entered the approval process.
14 Prime First Manager This is used to focus on the prime assignment of the employee for the approval entity and find its first manager as the approver.
16 PA_First_Manager This approver type is used ONLY for Personnel Actions with Assignment details as in PEAS and not supported for other PA TYPES. It finds the first manager using the PA values for easd.EID_ID_SUPERVISED_BY, easd.DPS_ID and easd.DDP_ID. The manager found becomes the approver and appropriate approval records are created. The three mentioned columns are mandatory and must be included/displayed in the PA form.
17 Creator The Creator is the person who inserted the approval entity - Taken from the audit column CREATE_USER. The 'creator' is the user who inserted the approval record. The creator will either be the IMUS user or the Person Code when created in Self Service. If this Approver Type=Creator is used in Admin, it is a mandatory requirement that the IMUS user have a Person Code associated to it.

A Where Clause may also be used to identify which transactions an approver can approve within the Approval Process. For example, in the approval process for wage increases, approvers can be restricted to specific Departments.

An Approver may designate individuals to approve leave requests in his/her absence. The designating of approvers is done in the My Designated Approvers (IEDA) screen. The Manage Designated Approvers (IEMDA) screen will allow the approver to manage any designated individuals for the employee in focus.

For Candidate driven approval processes such as Class Registrations, Work History, References and Applicant Hires the approver type defined in IDAP should not be a manager type, unless the approval is for internal Candidates only. The reason being is that if the Candidate is an external candidate (not yet hired) the Candidate will not have an identity for the system to use to track the individual's manager. Therefore, for approval processes for external Candidates the approver type should be a Specified Person or a Spec List of People.

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