!!!Excess Time Over Cap {optional}

This component specifies what is done with time in excess of the year-end cap.

Will there ever be an excess amount over the cap indicated A900?

''Yes: Choose the rule to be used''

''No: Go to [A920|AC-A920]''

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01|Pay Out Time to Employee|Uses Time owing (A700) – Time owing at year\\end rollover (A900), and creates a Leave Line\\with this value.\\If a <PC Code> is specified, this amount will\\also be recorded in a Pay Component to be\\paid out to the employee.\\The AC Action must be ‘Log to Leave Line’|[A700|AC-A700]\\[A900|AC-A900]\\[A960|AC-A960]|[A920|AC-A920]
|02*|Time Lost|Uses Time owing (A700) – Time owing at year\\end rollover (A900), and creates a Leave Line\\with this value.\\If a payroll component is specified, this rule\\creates the same amount in that pay\\component. This payroll component may be\\used to pass the lost time value to financial\\ledgers.|[A700|AC-A700]\\[A900|AC-A900]\\[A960|AC-A960]|[A920|AC-A920]

This component works in a similar manner to A340 (Excess Over Cap), in that; the two rules available are actually the same rule. For both, the program does the same processing, namely, a leave line is created in either case, and if a payroll component is specified, the amount is also stored into that payroll component. It is the user’s decision to specify a component, as well as the definition of the payroll component, that changes the use. The two different rules have been created to make the intent of the policy clear at a glance.

Although Time Lost is often not shown on the employees’ payroll stubs, it may be useful to record the lost time in a payroll component to allow for balancing of costs on the financial ledgers.

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