!!!A560 User2 Defined Earnings Percentage

If a __User2 Earnings__ element was defined, this component is required when entitlement is based on a percentage of the second user specified earnings.

Choose the rule that is used as the ‘User2 Defined Earnings Percentage’ rule.

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01|Use Accrual Percentage|The percent used will be from the accrual record. Users must manually enter the percentage (in the component being defined) on the accrual record for each employee.|[A460|AC-A460]\\[A660|AC-A660]|[A570|AC-A570]
|02*|Use Service Level Percentage|The percent used will be found based on the employees’ Service Level.|[A460|AC-A460]\\[A660|AC-A660]|[A570|AC-A570]
|03|Use Leave Policy Component Percentage|The percent used will be the value of the component, as defined on the policy. The value found at the policy level will be used for all employees enrolled in the policy. Users must enter the percentage (in the <Value> field of the component being defined) on the Leave Policy Components form within Maintain Leave Policies IALP.|[A460|AC-A460]\\[A660|AC-A660]|[A570|AC-A570]

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