Prorate by Time Worked Rule {optional}#

This component determines what factor is used to determine the Time Worked value when prorating entitlement. This component must have the standard value specified in it.

Is the entitlement to be prorated based on the value supplied in Time Worked element (e.g. hours worked)?

Yes: Choose the rule to be used
No: Go to A290
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Derive from User Calc OnlyUses the amount returned by the specified <UserCalc> as the prorated Period Entitlement. The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’, with a return value of the type ‘Numeric’. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value. The value is interpreted by the component as a user supplied FTE value by which the period entitlement will be multiplied.
The return value is not the factor; it is the final value of A280. Therefore, the UserCalc specified must evaluate/edit the value of A260 within the UserCalc (the value of A260 may be accessed using the $P Number-Parameter).
01*Prorate by Employee's Time WorkedCalculates: Period Entitlement (A260) x Time Worked (<Element> A250) / Standard Time (<Value> in A280)A250

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