This page (revision-27) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 18 KB jmyers to previous
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 18 KB jmyers to previous | to last EMAIL_ADDRESS ==> EMAIL_ADDRESS(Disambiguation)
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 18 KB jmyers to previous | to last WORK_RULE_CODE ==> WORK_RULE (Field)
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 18 KB JEscott to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 17 KB JEscott to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 17 KB JEscott to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 17 KB JEscott to previous | to last

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At line 101 added 98 lines
;[Job Profile|]:This field displays the code that uniquely identifies a job profile within a company.
;[Profile Title|]:This field displays the specific title of the job profile.
;[Profile Type|]:This field displays the nature of the job profile.
;[Profile Status|]:This field displays the status of the job profile.
;[Category|]:This field allows you to further categorize the job profile.
;[Last Reviewed|]:This field displays the last date the job profile was reviewed.
;[Job Purpose|]:This field describes the purpose of the job within the company.
;[Job Function|]:This field describes the function of and services provided by the job within the company.
;[Prerequisites|]:This field describes the required skills and experience need for this profile.
;[Wk Environment|]:This field describes the work atmosphere in job will be performed. e.g. office, factory, wheat field, etc.
;[Wk Eligibility|]:Work Eligibility; This field describes any work eligibility restrictions associated with this job
profile. e.g. ‘Must be eligible to work in United States’
;[Compensation|]:This field defines the compensation associated with the profile, such as salary, wage step,
benefits, etc.
;[EEO Statement|]:This field allows you to include additional information such as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) statement for any postings created for this job.
;[How to Apply|]:This field allows you to describe the process by which a candidate would apply to this job.
;[Type|]:This field allows you to define the nature of the requirement being defined.
;[Description|]:This field provides a short description of the requirement being defined.
;[Category|]:This field allows you to further categorize the requirement.
;[Start Date|]:If the requirement is time sensitive, the first valid date of the requirement will be displayed here.
;[End Date|]:If the requirement is time sensitive, the last date that the requirement is needed will be
displayed here.
;[Priority|]:This field allows you to rank the requirements in order of priority for the posting.
;[Desired Proficiency|]:This field displays the level of proficiency desired for this requirement.
;[Essential Proficiency|]:This field displays the level of proficiency essential for this requirement.
;[Requirement Text|]:This field allows you to provided further details and information about the requirement
being defined.
!!Costs tab
;[Cost Date|]:This field displays the date the recruiting related cost was incurred.
;[Cost Item Category|]:This field allows you to classify the cost item into a specific category. For example, fees, books, travel, meals, etc.
;[Cost Amount|]:This field displays the actual amount of the cost incurred.
;[Description|]:This field allows you to provide a short description of the cost.
;[Employer Percent|]:This field will indicate the percentage of the cost that will be covered by the employer.
;[Cost Reference|]:This field allows you to record a short reference for this cost, for example, an invoice number.
;[Candidate|]:If the cost is related to a specific candidate, that individual may be identified in this field.
;[Recruiter|]:If the cost is related to a specific recruiter, that recruiter may be identified in this field.
!!Recruiters tab
The Recruiters tab maintains information on recruiters associated with the posting.
;[Seq #|]:The field defines the sequential order in which the recruiters will be displayed.
;[Recruiter|]:This field identifies the recruiters to be used to fill this posting.
;[Status|]:This field indicates the posting's status with the recruiter.
;[Description|]:This field provides a short description about the recruiter.
The remaining fields in this tab will be automatically completed by the system once the recruiter is chosen. These fields are for information only and cannot be altered in this screen.
;[Start Date|]:This field indicates the first date of this recruiting event.
;[End Date|]:This field indicates the last date of this recruiting event.
;[External Entity ID|]:This field provides the identifying number of entity provided by an external agency.
;[External Posting ID|]:This field provides the identifying number of posting provided by an external agency.
;[Employee|]:This field indicates the employee associated with this event.
;[Type|]:This field identifies the type of recruiter being defined.
;[Category|]:This field further classifies the recruiter into a specific 'group'.
;[Company|]:This field displays the name of the organization where the recruiter is employed.
;[Contact|]:This field displays a contact name for the recruiting agency or person.
;[Phone #|]:This field displays a phone number for the recruiting agency or person.
;[Phone Ext.|]:If there is a phone extension for the recruiter, that number will be displayed in this field.
;[E-mail|]:This field displays the email address of the recruiter.
!!Applicants tab
The Applicants tab maintains information on the applicants/candidates to the posting.
%%information The information in this tab is for informational purposes only and is not updateable.%%
;[Candidate #|]:This field identifies the candidate submitting an application for the posting by their candidate code.
;[Applicant|]:This field displays the name of the candidate.
;[Application|]:This field displays a code that uniquely identifies the application. This code may have been user-defined or automatically generated.
;[Status|]:This field displays the current status of the application.
;[Stage|]:This field identifies the status of the application. e.g., 'Application Received' or 'Hired, Complete'.
;[Applic. Opened|]:This field indicates when the candidate applied to the posting.
;[Applic. Closed|]:This field may indicate the date the candidate withdrew their application from being considered for the posting.
;[Applic. Rating|]:This field displays the rating of the application in the recruiting process.
;[Stage Desc.|]:This field identifies specific steps within the application stage.
;[Offered Date|]:If an offer of employment has been made, this field displays the date the offer was made.
;[Resp. Date|]:If an offer of employment has been made, this field displays the date a response from the candidate was received.
;[Response Indication|]:This field displays the status of the candidate's response.
;[Rejection Reason|]:This field displays a reason why the applicant was rejected (see Application Status) for the
;[Declined Reason|]:If the applicant declined a job offer for the posting (see Application Status), that reason
may be identified in this field.
;[Assign to Replace|]:This field displays the employee who will be replacing in this position.
;[Assign. Title|]:This field displays the title of the assignment for which this posting is recruiting.
;[Start Date|]:This field displays the date the assignment is to start.
;[End Date|]:If this assignment is date sensitive, the last date of the assignment will be displayed here.
;[FTE|]:This field displays the Full Time Equivalent associated with this assignment.
;[Hours/Day|]:This field displays the average daily hours associated with this assignment.
;[Hours/Week\]:This field displays the average weekly hours associated with this assignment.
;[Scale/Step|]:This field displays the wage scale and step for this assignment.
;[Wage Rate|]:This field displays the wage rate for this assignment.
;[Basis|]:This field displays the rate basis in which the wage is expressed.
;[Scale Overridden|]:If set to ’YES’, the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually and is different from the
rate on the wage scale table. If set to ’NO’, either the wage rate has been derived from the wage scale table or the wage scale tables are not being used.
;[Info|]:This field displays additional information about the applicant/application.