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[{TableOfContents }]
This page describes the process to load the US Tax Rates and the US State Miscellaneous Parameters from the Symmetry Server that calls the Symmetry Tax Engine (STE).
[{TableOfContents }]
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This page describes the process to load US Tax Rates and US State Miscellaneous Parameters from the Symmetry Server that calls the Symmetry Tax Engine (STE).
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!!UPUTR - Selection Criteria
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!Tax Rates Processing (IPUTR)
If the 'Remove Old Tax Rates' toggle is set to YES, the UPUTR process removes IPUTR Tax Rate entries that match the defined effective date, for the selected States. Consequently, users need to clean up historical rates, one effective date at a time, to prevent accidentally removing all records when loading. \\ \\
[{InsertPage page='UPUTR' section=2}]
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If the 'Load Tax Rates' toggle is set to YES, UPUTR retrieves the US Tax Rates for the selected list of States and loads into them IPUTR for the defined effective date. \\ \\
!!UPUTR Processing
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If IPUTR has Tax Rate entries that have an effective date PRIOR to the UPUTR defned effective date, and an expiry date of '31-Dec-3999', these Effective Date entries will expire within one day prior to the newly defined effective date. UPUTR will generate a new set of IPUTR entries with the newly defined effective date and expiry date of 'Dec-31-3999'. \\ \\
!UPUTR - Processing
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If IPUTR has Tax Rate entries that have an effective date MATCHING the UPUTR defined effective date, and an expiry date of '31-Dec-3999', these Effective Date entries will be checked and updated if values are different. \\ \\
*At the Federal and State level, UPUTR loads in the US Tax Rates and Miscellaneous Tax Parameters for the list of states selected.
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If IPUTR has Tax Rate entries that have an effective date GREATER than the UPUTR defined effective date, these Effective Date entries will be consolidated with the selected Effective Date entries. The latest Effective Date entries will be used in order to retain the latest user defined Overridden amounts.
*In order for Federal rates to be loaded, <<Federal>> must be selected from the State field.
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!State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters Processing (IPUTP)
If the 'Load State Misc. Params' field is set to YES, UPUTR loads in IPUTP Miscellaneous Tax Parameters for the list of selected States. \\ \\
*If you are paying County or City taxes, you may load in the County or City rates by entering either setting the "Load All Jurisdictions" toggle to <<Yes>> or by entering a list of Jurisdictions to be included in the "Load Only Jursidiction" field. (e.g. City of Yonkers for New York State)
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An Effective Date entry is not required for IPUTP, as the most recent State Tax Miscellaneous Parameters are always loaded.\\ \\
*After UPUTR is run, you should go into the [IPUTR] and [IPUTP] screens to view the newly loaded Tax Rates and State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters.
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If an old Miscellaneous Tax entry is not used in the current load, this parameter will be marked as 'OBSOLETE' in the Miscellaneous Identifier field. \\ \\
*In order to load in the latest Tax Rates and State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters, the frequency of the UPUTR run should be as follows:
**Annually as of January of each year
***UPUTR should be scheduled as part of the Legislation Cycle to be run at the beginning of the Year
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In [IPRLU], on the 'Miscellaneous' tab, the values for the Obsolete Miscellaneous Identifier will not be used by UPCALC. These Obsolete Miscellaneous Identifiers are for historical purposes only.\\ \\
**When Symmetry Tax Engine is upgraded
***when Symmetry Tax Engine is delivered due to Software upgrade or Tax Rate changes, user should run UPUTR to pick up any new rates or State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters
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UPUTR will default in the values for a few State tax parameters, mainly those that require a value of TRUE or FALSE. For the True/False tax parameters, UPUTR will default to a value of FALSE, as this value would make the most sense for the general public. An example would be the 'LOWINCOMETAXRATES' and 'TEXARKANARESIDENT' parameters for the state of Arkansas. \\ \\
**At User Request
***if user starts to pay in s new State, user may run UPUTR
***user may run at any time to load in the County or City Rates
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Organizations can define their own entity wide defaults for the Miscellaneous Tax Parameters on IPUTP. Any value entered in IPRLU would override the defaults defined on IPUTP.
*If "Print Detail" = Yes, UPUTR will list the detail entries that are processed for each Tax Rate level and each State Miscellaneous Tax Parameter
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!Internal Miscellaneous Tax Identifiers Usage(IPUTP)
At the Federal or State level, UPUTR will load in a list of Miscellaneous Identifiers to define the default method to be used.\\ \\
*IPUTR US Tax Rates are for information purposes only (except the overridden SUTA / FUTA rates). The tax rates are not passed to Symmetry for tax calculation, rather Symmetry retrieves the tax rates directly within their tax engine (SymmetryTaxServer).
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The Miscellaneous Identifiers are given a 'Usage' to define where the Identifier is used within the application, and who defined the Identifier. \\ \\
*UPCALC will read IPUTR for SUTA / FUTA Overridden amounts and will pass these overridden amounts to Symmetry for the tax calculations.
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There are three types of Identifier Usages:
*01 - Employee Level (STE)
*02 - Employee Level
*03 - Legislative Level \\ \\
*There are 2 options to set up Overridden Rate, Overridden Wage Base or Overridden Tax Limit:
*#*enter the Rate or Wage Base provided by the Government on the Override fields
*#*these Overrides are applicable for the entire company for the State
*#*rate overrides are only applicable for FUTA, SUTA, SUTA SC, SUI EE and SDI EE tax identifiers, overrides entered for other tax rates will not be read
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01: The Identifiers with a usage of 'Employee Level (STE)' are provided by the Symmetry Tax Engine and will be available in the IPRLU and IPRLUS forms for employees to provide their tax filing information. These parameters will be directly passed to the Symmetry Tax Engine for calculation. \\
*#*if there is a specific rate given by the government for different State Registration #,
*#*then enter on IDGV by "Reg Type", this overrides the IPUTR Rate
*#*UPCALC retrieves IDGV by Government Registration from Employee's Pay Header Group
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02: The Identifiers with a usage of 'Employee Level' are system provided and will be interpreted by the UPCALC process prior to being passed to the Symmetry Tax Engine. These Identifiers will be available on the IPRLU and IPRLUS forms to select. \\
*The Effective date in IPUTR is not used by Symmetry. The UPUTR will load in all tax rates, regardless of when they become effective. During the tax calculation UPCALC will pass to the SymmetryTaxServer the pay period issue date to determine which tax rates to use for the period being paid.
*The Effective date in IPUTR is used by UPCALC to determine which record to read for any overridden tax rate for the pay period being paid.
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03: The Identifiers with a usage of 'Legislative Level' are provided by the system and will be interpreted by the UPCALC process prior to being passed to the Symmetry Tax Engine. These Identifiers are Government Legislative type requirements allowing Employers to define/override tax requirements. These identifiers are not available to the employee on the IPRLU and IPRLUS forms.\\ \\
*If the user needs to add in a new effective date entry for a change to an overridden tax rate (ie: new government supplied SUTA rate) the user would run UPUTR for the new effective date.
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The following table provides examples of each of the different Usages and whether they allow an override on the IPRLU and IPRLUS forms:
*When UPUTR is generating new sets of Effective Date entries, the Overridden Rates and Amounts will be copied into the new Effective Date entries
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||Level||Miscellaneous Identifier||Provided By||Allow IPRLU Override
|Federal|IRS_LOCK_IN_FILING_STATUS|Employee Level|Yes
|Federal|IRS_MAX_EXEMPTIONS|Employee Level|Yes
|State|FILINGSTATUS|Employee Level (STE)|Yes
|State|STATE_NEXUS|Legislative Level|No
|State|STATE_ROUNDING|Legislative Level|No
|State|SUP_PAID_WITH_REG|Employee Level|Yes
|State|SUP_PAID_WITHOUT_REG|Employee Level|Yes
|Oregon|TRANSIT_CANBY_TAX|Employee Level|Yes
|Oregon|TRANSIT_LANE_TAX|Employee Level|Yes
|Oregon|TRANSIT_TRIMET_EXCISE_TAX|Employee Level|Yes
|Oregon|TRANSIT_SANDY_TAX|Employee Level|Yes
|Oregon|TRANSIT_WILSONVILLE_TAX|Employee Level|Yes
*If an old Tax Rate entry is not used by Symmetry in the current load, this old Tax Rate will not be copied into the new Effective Date set, however, if the user is reloading with an existing Effective date, then this old Tax Rate will remain unchanged for historical purposes
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'Federal' level means the Miscellaneous Identifier will be generated with the State Name field set to 'Federal', and will be used at the Federal level of taxation. Certain Federal Identifiers are applicable to all States of the same pay.\\
!Tax Rates Processing (IPUTR)
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'State' level means the Miscellaneous Identifier will be generated for all States with State Name field set to a UPUTR selected list of States (LOV) and will be used at the State level of taxation. These State Identifiers are specific to the defined State only.\\
*If the parameter "Remove Old Tax Rates" = <<Yes>>, UPUTR removes IPUTR Tax Rates entries that are prior to the specified Effective Date for the selected States
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If the 'Level' field is defined with a specific State name, such as Oregon, the Miscellaneous Identifies will be generated for that State if the UPUTR selected list of States contains the specific State name.
*If "Load Tax Rates" = <<Yes>>, UPUTR retrieves the US Tax Rates for the selected list of States and loads into IPUTR for the specified Effective Date
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!!Printing of IPUTR / IPUTP
The UPUTR process prints the Tax Rates and Miscellaneous Tax Parameters information for auditing and archival of tax rates purposes. \\
*If IPUTR has Tax Rate entries that are with Effective Date PRIOR to UPUTR specified Effective Date and the Expiry Date = '31-Dec-3999', these Effective Date entries will be expired with 1 day prior to the newly selected Effective Date, UPUTR will generate a new set of IPUTR entries with the newly specified Effective Date, with Expiry date = 'Dec-31-3999'
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If the 'Print IPUTR Tax Rates' and/or 'Print IPUTP Misc Parms' fields are set to YES, UPUTR will print the IPUTR/IPUTP information for the list of defined States with basic information such as Tax Rate Code, Tax Identifier, Tax Rate, Wage Base and Override Information. \\
*If IPUTR has Tax Rate entries that are with Effective Date MATCH to UPUTR specified Effective Date and the Expiry Date = '31-Dec-3999', these Effective Date entries will be checked and updated if values are different
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If the 'Create File' field is set to YES, users must define a valid Directory name and a File name with extension of .csv. UPUTR will generate a comma delimited file with the IPUTR/IPUTP Detail Information. \\
*If IPUTR has Tax Rate entries that are with Effective Date GREATER than UPUTR specified Effective Date, these Effective Date entries will be consolidated with the selected Effective Date entries, the latest Effective Date entries will be used in order to retain the latest user Overridden amounts
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The 'Print From Date' can be earlier than the 'Load Effective Date' to print historical information. \\
!State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters Processing (IPUTP)
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If the 'Print From Date' is not defined, the 'Load Effective Date' will be used. \\
*If the parameter 'Load State Misc. Params' = <<Yes>>, UPUTR loads in IPUTP Miscellaneous Tax Parameters for list of selected States.
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Users can run UPUTR at any time to print the IPUTR/IPUTR information without loading the tax rates.
*Effective Date is not required for IPUTP, the most recent State Tax Miscellaneous Parameters are always loaded
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*If an old Miscellaneous Tax Parameter is not used in the current load, this Parameter will be marked with '-OBSOLETE' in the Miscellaneous Identifier field
*In IPRLU on the MISCELLANEOUS Tab, the values for the Obsolete Miscellaneous Identifier will not be used in UPCALC. These Obsolete Miscellaneous Identifiers are for historical purposes only.
*UPUTR will default values for a few state tax parameters, mainly those that require a value of True or False. For the true false tax parameters the UPUTR will default a value of 'FALSE' as this value would make the most sense for the general public. A few examples would be the parameters 'LOWINCOMETAXRATES' and 'TEXARKANARESIDENT' for the state of Arkansas.
*Clients may provide their own entity wide defaults for the Misc Tax Parameters in IPUTP. Any value entered in IPRLU would override the defaults defined in the IPUTP.
!Internal Miscellaneous Tax Identifiers (IPUTP)
*At Federal or State level, UPUTR automatically loads in a list of internal Miscellaneous Identifiers to provide the Default Method to be used
||Level||Miscellaneous Identifier||Provided By||Allow IPRLU Override
*'Federal' level means the Miscellaneous Identifier will be generated with State Name = 'Federal' and will be used at the Federal Level taxation, certain Federal Identifiers are applicable to all States of the same pay.\\e.g. 401K_CATCHUP is used for Federal and State Level 401K calculation
*'State' level means the Miscellaneous Identifier will be generated for all States with State Name = UPUTR selected list of States and will be used at the State Level taxation, these State Identifiers are specific to the defined State only.
*If Level = specific State name (e.g. 'Oregon'), this means these Miscellaneous Identifies will be generated for State of Oregon if UPUTR selected list of States contains 'Oregon'
*These Miscellaneous Identifiers are used internally by UPCALC and will not be passed to the Symmetry Tax Engine
*Certain Identifiers are defined according to Government Legislative Requirement which allows the Employer to override on IPUTP but however do not allow the employee to override at the employee level, these Identifiers are defined with 'Provided By' = 'Legislative', e.g. STATE_ROUNDING
*For the 'Internal' identifiers, the employee may optionally add this Identifier on IPRLLU MISC tab to override the default value of IPUTP, e.g. SUP_PAID_WITH_REG
*For State Supplemental Tax calculation, please read PR_US_IPRLU_Sup_Pay_v1.0.doc for detail for the usage of SUP_PAID_WITH_REG and SUP_PAID_WITHOUT_REG
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#Print Detail = NO\\[US_Load _Tax_ Rates_ and_ State_ Parameters_02.JPG]
#Print Detail = YES\\[US_Load _Tax_ Rates_ and_ State_ Parameters_03.JPG]
#Print Detail = <<No>>
#Print Detail = <<Yes>>
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!!UPUTR - Forms Updated
!!UPUTR - Screens Updated
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If UPUTR is run in Non-Trial mode, the following forms are updated:
If UPUTR is run in Non-Trial mode, the following list of Screens are updated:
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*Users can click on the applicable State to view the tax rates.
*The 'Tax Rate Seq' field is in the format of 'XXnnnn', where XX is the State code and nnnn is a sequential 4 digit number. The sequence is not pre-determined, it is simply the order in which the parameter was loaded in by UPUTR. The sequence of the tax parameters mentioned in the documentation may not exactly match the sequence in your organization. The sequence is used to order the parameters and to distinguish them at the State level in IPRLU.
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*The State code for the Federal level is "00".
*The user should click the applicable State to view the Tax Rates
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*The Tax Identifier format is pre-defined by Symmetry with the Location code and Tax type.
*Tax Rate Seq is in Format of 'XXnnnn', where XX is the State code and nnnn is a sequential 4 digit number. The sequence is not pre-determined, it is simply the order in which the parameter was loaded in by the UPUTR function. The sequence of the tax parameters mentioned in the documentation may not match exactly to the sequence you have in your environment. The sequence is used to order the parameters and to distinguish them at the state level in IPRLU.
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*The Tax Rate and Wage Base information can be defined, or it can be set to zero to indicate this Tax type will be calculated.
*The State Code for Federal Level is 00
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*In order to sort either by Effective Date or by State, users can drag the applicable column to the left side of the form.
*Tax Identifier format is pre-defined by Symmetry with the Location Code and Tax Type
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*This form is loaded by the UPUTR process. Users do not need to enter information on this form, except to enter the Override amounts.
*The Tax Rate, Wage Base information may be provided or it may be zero to indicate this Tax Type will be calculated
*In order to Sort by Effective Date or to Sort by State, user may drag the applicable column to the left side at the scroll block
*This screen is loaded by UPUTR, user does not need to enter information on this screen except to enter the Override Amounts
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Users can click on the applicable State to view the State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters. \\
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The 'Misc Tax Parm' field is in the format of 'XXnnnn', where XX is the State code and nnnn is a sequential 4 digit number. \\
*User may select the applicable State to view the State Miscellaneous Tax Parameters
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The Miscellaneous Identifier is retrieved from Symmetry and is passed to STE with the exact name for tax calculations by the UPCALC process. Example: FILINGSTATUS. \\
*Misc Tax Parm is in Format of 'XXnnnn', where XX is the State code and nnnn is a sequential 4 digit number
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This form is loaded by the UPUTR process. Users do not need to enter information on this form, other than to provide default values, if required. \\
*Miscellaneous Identifier is retrieved from Symmetry and will be passed to Symmetry Tax Engine with this exact Name for Tax Calculation by UPCALC, e.g. FILINGSTATUS
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The Reference Text field contains the editing information for the Miscellaneous Identifier. \\
*This screen is loaded by UPUTR, user does not need to enter information on this screen other than to provide default values if desired
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The IPUTP information will be used on IPRLU - 'Miscellaneous' tab.
*The Reference Text field contains the editing information for the Miscellaneous Identifier
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*IPUTP information will be used on IPRLU screen Miscellaneous Tab
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*All employees MUST be set up on IPRLU MISCELLANEOUS tab prior to running UPCALC to calculate US Taxation by Symmetry
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*All employees __MUST__ be set up on the IPRLU 'Miscellaneous' tab prior to running UPCALC to calculate US Taxation by Symmetry.
*IPRLU can be set up with or without a State code
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*IPRLU can be set up with or without a State code.
*UPCALC will pick up the state record first, if no matching state record can be found UPCALC will then look for a jurisdiction record matching the jurisdiction on the employee's IPPH, if UPCALC cannot locate a matching jurisdiction record it will then read the default IPRLU record.
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*UPCALC will pick up the State record first. If no matching state record can be found, UPCALC will then look for a jurisdiction record matching the jurisdiction on the employee's IPPH. If UPCALC cannot locate a matching jurisdiction record, it will then read the default IPRLU record.
*When IPRLU is set up without a State, the Misc. Tax Parm can be entered for all States, the Reference Text will help the user to enter the correct information in the Field Variable
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*When IPRLU is set up without a State, the Misc. Tax Parm can be entered for all States. The Reference Text will help users to enter the correct Field Variable information.
*When IPRLU is set up with a State, the Misc. Tax Parm must be entered for that specific State only, this IPRLU entry contains pertaining information to be used for this State, e.g. a different Tax Method can be defined for this State
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*When IPRLU is set up with a State, the Misc. Tax Parm must be entered for that specific State only. This IPRLU entry contains information to be used for this State. Example: A different tax method can be defined for this State.
*When UPCALC creates the default IPRLU record for an employee who does not have a record, such as a new hire, UPCALC will read IPUTP for any default values that may be defined. If none are found the system will use the first option available in the reference text, such as 0 for Total Allowances. For the Filing Status tax parameters, UPCALC will derive the Filing Status from the Vertex Filing Status in the State tab, and if null, will then use the Federal Filing Status.
*When UPCALC creates the default IPRLU record for an employee who does not have a record, i.e a new hire, the UPCALC will read IPUTP for any default values that may be defined. If none are found the system will use the first option available in the reference text, ie: 0 for Total Allowances. For the Filing Status tax parameters, UPCALC will derive the Filing Status from the vertex Filing Status in the State tab and if null will then use the Federal Filing Status.