This page (revision-16) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by RForbes

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB RForbes to previous SCREEN FIELD ==> SCREEN FIELDS
15 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB RForbes to previous | to last SCREEN FIELDS ==> SCREEN FIELD
14 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB RForbes to previous | to last Screen Field ==> SCREEN FIELDS
13 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB RForbes to previous | to last Screen Fields ==> Screen Field
12 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB RForbes to previous | to last
11 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
10 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
9 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
7 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last Screen Field Format ==> Screen Fields
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB Administrator to last

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!!Field Formats
Inside form windows, data is displayed and entered into fields. You must have appropriate access rights to change information. Many different types of fields are used throughout the application. Some fields are self contained; others involve popup windows. In addition to the fields noted below, there are some special field formatting that is invoked for large text fields, as well as [distribution codes|DISTRIBUTION EDITOR]. Some data structures require a more complex structure such as [date sensitive|DATE SENSITIVE] tables and those requiring [appprovals|APPROVAL BAR].
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The basic field types, are those noted below:
!Enterable Fields
Enterable fields use text boxes as shown below. You are not allowed to enter more characters or digits than the size of the field. Long fields may not be totally displayed but they do scroll right and left to allow you to type the full field value.
!Mandatory Fields
Field Formats
Inside form windows, data is displayed and entered into fields. You must have appropriate access rights to
change information.
Many different types of fields are used throughout the application. Some fields are self
contained; others involve popup windows.
Enterable Fields
Enterable fields use text boxes as shown below. You are not allowed to enter more
characters or digits than the size of the field. Long fields may not be totally displayed but
they do scroll right and left to allow you to type the full field value.
Mandatory Fields
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!Display Only Fields
Display Only Fields
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!Code Fields
[Code] fields may be keyed in upper or lower case but they are upshifted when they are saved.
!Amount Fields
Amount fields are entered as you would write them. e.g. 19.5 or 19.50 or 19.5000 If the amount is negative, the sign should precede the amount. e.g. -19.50
Amounts are redisplayed right-justified in the field with the maximum number of decimal places allowed for the field.
!Numeric Fields
Numeric fields that are whole numbers are entered as you would write them e.g. 5
!Fields With Special Edits / Formatting
Some fields like [S.S.N./S.I.N. numbers|GOVERNMENT_CODE], [zip/postal codes|ZIP_POSTAL], [phone numbers|PHONE_NUMBER], pay periods have special editing and formatting. You type the digits without worrying about the separators. The system will edit and format the data. \\
* You enter 123456782 in an S.S.N. The system reformats the field as follows: [FormatGovtCode.JPG]\\
* You enter 956071234 in zip code. The system reformats the field as follows:[FormatZipPostal.JPG]\\
* You enter 5553898899 in phone number. The system reformats the field as follows: [FormatPhone.JPG]\\
[Lexicons|LEXICON] are fields that can have one of several values predefined in the Lexicon table. The values are presented to you in a drop down combo box.
Click anywhere in the field to see the list. Use your mouse cursor to scroll up and down the list. Click to pick the value you want.
!List of Values (LOV’s)
Lists of values are codes defined elsewhere in the system in their own unique table. If you know the code, enter enough of the code in the field to make it unique. The system completes it for you.
If you are unsure of the code, click the icon at the end of the field or use F9 and a popup window appears with all of the allowed codes. You can arrow up and arrow down the list or scroll up and down the list until you find the code you want.
You can also enter search criteria at the top to narrow the list. When you find the code you want, double click it or click the Select button if it is the current record.
Search criteria can contain wild characters.
The “%” symbol represents one or more characters. The “_” symbol represents a single character.
!Secured Password Fields
Passwords are protected so that others cannot see what you type. An asterisk appears in place of the digits.
!Check Boxes
[Toggle] fields are normally shown as check boxes. Click or Enter to turn the toggle on. Click or Enter again to turn it off.
!Date Fields
[Date] fields are entered in DD-MON-YYYY format.
Smart date logic is used to minimize your keying. If you enter just the numeric day, the system assumes it is in the current month and year.
e.g. On June 21st, 2006 you enter 01. The system assumes the date is 01-Jun-2006. If you enter a numeric day and month, the system assumes it is in the current year.
e.g. On June 21st, 2006 you enter 0107. The system assumes the date is 01-Jul-2006. If you enter a numeric day, month and year, the system completes the date.
e.g. On June 21st, 2006 you enter 010791. The system assumes the date is 01-Jul-1991. You can also click the icon at the end of the field or use F9 to popup a calendar to pick the date from. Use the arrows to move back months and years, then click a day.
System generated timestamps are used to record the exact date and time an activity was done. These fields are normally display only. If both the date and the time have to be entered by a user, both a date field and a time field will be provided to simplify data entry.
If time is needed, a separate time field is provided. The logic for handling time is very sophisticated but simple to use.
Time is keyed as hours and minutes separated by a colon.e.g. 8:30 in the morning is keyed as 8:30 or 8:30a or 8:30am You can follow the time with am/pm to indicate that it is after the noon hour. e.g. 8:30 in the evening is keyed as 20:30 or 8:30p or 8:30pm
If you key only 2 digits and the number is less than 25, the system assumes that you are keying hours. e.g. if you enter 8, the system assumes you mean 08:00;
If the number is 25 or greater the system assumes you are keying minutes. e.g. If you enter 27, the system assumes you mean 00:27
Code Fields
Code fields may be keyed in upper or lower case but they are upshifted when they are
Amount Fields
Amount fields are entered as you would write them.
e.g. 19.5 or 19.50 or 19.5000
If the amount is negative, the sign should precede the amount.
e.g. -19.50
Amounts are redisplayed right-justified in the field with the maximum number of decimal
places allowed for the field.
Field Formats
4 - 8 ePersonality User Interface
Version 4.02
Numeric Fields
Numeric fields that are whole numbers are entered as you would write them.
e.g. 5
Fields With Special Edits / Formatting
Some fields like S.S.N./S.I.N. numbers, zip/postal codes, phone numbers, pay periods have
special editing and formatting. You type the digits without worrying about the separators.
The system will edit and format the data.
e.g. You enter 123456782 in an S.S.N. The system reformats the field as follows:
e.g. You enter 956071234 in zip code. The system reformats the field as follows:
e.g. You enter 5553898899 in phone number. The system reformats the field as follows:
e.g. You enter 200652 as the pay period. The system reformats the field as follows:
Lexicons are fields that can have one of several values predefined in the Lexicon table. The
values are presented to you in a drop down combo box. Click anywhere in the field to see
the list. Use your mouse cursor to scroll up and down the list. Click to pick the value you
Field Formats
Chapter 4 - Form Processing 4 - 9
December 2006
List of Values (LOV’s)
Lists of values are codes defined elsewhere in the system in their own unique table. If you
know the code, enter enough of the code in the field to make it unique. The system
completes it for you.
If you are unsure of the code, click the icon at the end of the field or use F9 and a popup
window appears with all of the allowed codes. You can arrow up and arrow down the list or
scroll up and down the list until you find the code you want. You can also enter search
criteria at the top to narrow the list. When you find the code you want, double click it or click
the Select button if it is the current record.
Search criteria can contain wild characters. The “%” symbol represents one or more
characters. The “_” symbol represents a single character.
Secured Password Fields
Passwords are protected so that others cannot see what you type. An asterisk appears in
place of the digits.
Check Boxes
Toggle fields are normally shown as check boxes. Click or Enter to turn the toggle on. Click
or Enter again to turn it off.
Field Formats
4 - 10 ePersonality User Interface
Version 4.02
Date Fields
Date fields are entered in DD-MON-YYYY format. Smart date logic is used to minimize your
keying. If you enter just the numeric day, the system assumes it is in the current month and
e.g. On June 21st, 2006 you enter 01. The system assumes the date is 01-Jun-2006.
If you enter a numeric day and month, the system assumes it is in the current year.
e.g. On June 21st, 2006 you enter 0107. The system assumes the date is 01-Jul-2006.
If you enter a numeric day, month and year, the system completes the date.
e.g. On June 21st, 2006 you enter 010791. The system assumes the date is 01-Jul-1991.
You can also click the icon at the end of the field or use F9 to popup a calendar to pick the
date from. Use the arrows to move back months and years, then click a day.
System generated timestamps are used to record the exact date and time an activity was
done. These fields are normally display only. If both the date and the time have to be
entered by a user, both a date field and a time field will be provided to simplify data entry.
Field Formats
Chapter 4 - Form Processing 4 - 11
December 2006
If time is needed, a separate time field is provided. The logic for handling time is very
sophisticated but simple to use.
Time is keyed as hours and minutes separated by a colon.
e.g. 8:30 in the morning is keyed as 8:30 or 8:30a or 8:30am
You can follow the time with am/pm to indicate that it is after the noon hour.
e.g. 8:30 in the evening is keyed as 20:30 or 8:30p or 8:30pm
If you key only 2 digits and the number is less than 25, the system assumes that you are
keying hours.
e.g. if you enter 8, the system assumes you mean 08:00
If the number is 25 or greater the system assumes you are keying minutes.
e.g. If you enter 27, the system assumes you mean 00:27
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Special provision is made for keying time that extends into the next day. e.g. 1 hour into the next day is keyed as 25:00
Special provision is made for keying time that extends into the next day.
e.g. 1 hour into the next day is keyed as 25:00
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!Photos / Images
Stored images can be referenced by entering the name of the file that holds the image. The system administrator establishes where the images are held.
The system inserts a plus sign to signify that the time falls into the next day.
Buttons are used to perform actions within a form. If a button is enabled, click it to perform the action.
* Enabled button [FormatButton1.JPG]
* Disabled button [FormatButton2.JPG]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.SCREEN+FIELDS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]
Photos / Images
Stored images can be referenced by entering the name of the file that holds the image. The
system administrator establishes where the images are held.
Field Formats
4 - 12 ePersonality User Interface
Version 4.02
Buttons are used to perform actions within a form. If a button is enabled, click it to perform
the action.
Enabled button
Disabled button