X_UST_SUPPL_METHOD is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed Value
01 Concur-% Meth (IPRLU%)
02 Concur-Flat Amount
03 Concur-Normal Method
04 Concur-Ann Sup Grs
05 Concur-Not Ann Suppl
06 Con-Norm/0 Tax/UpdWg
08 Concur-Table Read
09 Concur-Tiered Rate
10 Concur-Opt Calc %
11 Sep-% Meth (IPRLU %)
12 Sep-Flat Amount
13 Sep-Normal Method
14 Sep-Previous Gross
15 Sep-Annual Gross
16 Sep-Annual Prev Grs
17 Sep-Alt % Method
18 Sep-Table Read
19 Sep-Tiered Rate
20 Sep-Opt Calc %
21 Sep-% Meth (IDGV %)
31 Concur-% Meth (IDGV %)
99 Do Not Calculate