X_ROE_REASON is a FIXED LEXICON that is used in the UPROEF program. This lexicon is associated to the user defined field on the IDTR called ROE Reason Code. This lexicon is populated with the following values:
A Shortage of Work-Obsolete
A00Shortage of work/End of Contract or Season
A01Employer bankruptcy or receivership
B Strike or Lockout-Obsolete
B00Strike or lockout
C Return to School-Obsolete
D Illness or Injury-Obsolete
D00Illness or injury
E Quit-Obsolete
E02Quit/Follow spouse
E03Quit/Return to school
E04Quit/Health reasons
E05Quit/Voluntary retirement
E06Quit/Take another job
E09Quit/Employer relocation
E10Quit/Care for a dependant
E11Quit/To become self-employed
F Maternity-Obsolete
G Retirement-Obsolete
G00Mandatory retirement
G07Retirement / Approved workforce reduction
H Work sharing-Obsolete
H00Work sharing
J Apprentice Training-Obsolete
J00Apprentice training
K Other (See Comments)-Obsolete
K12Other/Change of payroll frequency
K13Other/Change of ownership
K14Other/Requested by Employment Insurance
K15Other/Canadian Forces - Queen's Regulations/Orders
K16Other/At the employee’s request
K17Other/Change of Service Provider
M Dismissal-Obsolete
M08Dismissal/Terminated within probationary period
N Leave of Absence-Obsolete
N00Leave of absence
P Parental-Obsolete
Z Compassionate care-Obsolete
Z00Compassionate care/Family caregiver