X_NEOGOV_ETHNIC is a fixed lexicon used with the UEINH program to import employee data into Personality from NEOGOV. This lexicon is the mapping between the inbound NEOGOV value found on your import file and Personality value stored on the X_ETHNIC leicon.

The value in the inbound xml file will map to one of the values in the "Meaning" column on IMLN. The value stored in the displayed value will be the "Saved Value-Displayed Value" found on the corresponding lexicon. The saved value is a required field, but is not used as part of this load process.

This lexicon is preloaded with the following values:

Saved ValueDisplayed Value
(Mapped to X_ETHNIC)
(Inbound value from file)
10 US-White White
20 US-Black or African American Black or African American
30 US-Hispanic or Latin Hispanic or Latino
40 US-Asian Asian/Pacific Islander
50 US-American Indian/Alaska Nat American Indian/Native Alaskan
60 US-Native Hawaiian/Pacific Isl Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
99 US-Two or More Races Two or more races (non-Hispanic or Latino)


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