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X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME is a fixed lexicon. Variables starting with "32" are used to define interfaces in the IDIF screen that will be created by the UPPHF program

Displayed ValueSource of DataComments
320004 System Date/Time (32)
320005 From Pay Period (32)
320006 To Pay Period (32)
320007 Pay Header pph_id (32)
320008 Employment eem_id (32)
320009 Identity eid_id (32)
320010 Person Code (32)
320011 First Name (32)
320012 Last Name (32)
320013 First,Last Name (32)
320014 Last,First Name (32)
320015 Trial Run (32)
320020 Batch Number (32)
320030 Pay Run Number (32)
320031 Pay Run Sequence (32)
320040 Hired Date (32)
320041 Term Date (32)
320042 Seniority Date (32)
320043 First Work Date (32)
320044 Last Work Date (32)
320100 Pay Header Stage
320101 Pay Number (32)
320102 Pay Period (32)
320103 Pay Period Start (32)
320104 Pay Period End Date (32)
320105 Pay Issue Date (32)
320106 Period Fiscal (32)
320107 Period Fiscal Start (32)
320108 Period Fiscal End (32)
320109 Issue Fiscal (32)
320110 Issue Fiscal Start (32)
320111 Issue Fiscal End (32)
320200 G/L Company Code (32)
320201 Entity Code (32)
320202 Entity Name (32)
320203 Payroll Code (32)
320204 Payroll Desc (32)
320205 Unit Code (32)
320206 Unit Name (32)
320207 Group Code (32)
320208 Group Desc (32)
320209 Department Code (32)
320210 Department Name (32)
320211 Job Code (32)
320212 Job Title (32)
320213 Position Code (32)
320214 Position Title (32)
320215 Assignment Code (32)
320216 Assignment Title (32)
320217 Pay Category Code (32)
320218 Check Number (32)
320219 Check Amount (32)
320220 User Name (32)
320221 Work State/Prov (32)
320222 Res State/Prov (32)
320223 Work GEO Code (32)
320224 Res GEO Code (32)
320225 Work Jurisdiction (32)
320226 Res Jurisdiction (32)
320227 School District (32)
320230 Std Wage (eas) (32)
320231 Wage Basis (eas) (32)
320232 Authorization Code (32)
320300 PC Code (32)
320301 PC Abbrev (32)
320302 PC Amount (32)
320303 Element Code (32)
320304 Element PC Value (32)
320305 Element Desc (32)
320306 Element pph Value (32)
320400 Start Date (ppl) (32)
320401 Time (ppl) (32)
320402 Time Basis (ppl) (32)
320403 Std Wage (ppl) (32)
320404 Wage Basis (ppl) (32)
320405 Cost Center (ppl) (32)
320406 Cost Center Desc (32)
320407 Work Order (ppl) (32)
320408 Reference Info (ppl) (32)
320409 Tran Pointer (ppl) (32)
320410 Pay Line ID (ppl_id) (32)
320411 Pay Line Detail (ppld_id) (32)
320500 Wage Rate (ppld) (32)
320501 Rate Basis (ppld) (32)
320502 Tran Pointer (ppld) (32)
320600 Total Value (32)
320601 Detail Record Count (32)
320602 All Detail Count (32)
320603 User Calc (32)
320604 XML Begin Tag (32)
320605 XML End Tag (32)
320606 UDF (EID) (32)
320607 UDF (EEM) (32)
320608 UDF (EPS) (32)
320610 UDF (EASD) (32)
320621 UDF (DED) (32)
320623 UDF (DDD) (32)
320624 UDF (DLN) (32)
320626 UDF (DUD) (32)
320628 UDF (DGD) (32)
320629 UDF (PRN) (32)
320630 UDF (PPH) (32)
320631 UDF (PPL) (32)
320650 Statistic Amt (IEST) (65)
320700 Journal Entry ID (PJE) (32)
320701 Distr Code (PJE) (32)
320702 Journal Source (PJE) (32)
320703 G/L Post Number (PJE) (32)
320704 G/L Post Seq (PJE) (32)
320705 Trial Journal (PJE) (32)
320750 Journal Detail ID (PJD) (32)
320751 Pay Line ID (PJD) (32)
320752 Pay Detail ID (PJD) (32)
320753 Pay Trans ID (PJD) (32)
320754 G/L Fund ID (PJD) (32)
320755 Time Code PTRC_ID (PJD) (32)
320756 G/L Eff Date (PJD) (32)
320757 G/L Amount (PJD) (32)
320758 G/L Amt DR (PJD) (32)
320759 G/L Amt CR (PJD) (32)
320760 G/L Amt-Financial (PJD) (32)
320761 G/L Amt-Statistical (PJD) (32)
320762 G/L Amt-Time Usage (PJD) (32)
320763 G/L Amt-Earn Usage (PJD) (32)
320764 G/L Amt-Dedn Usage (PJD) (32)
320765 G/L Amt-Ben Usage (PJD) (32)
320780 Split Percent (PJD) (32)
320781 G/L Detail Seq (PJD) (32)
320782 Work Order (PJD) (32)
320783 G/L Pointer (PJD) (32)
320800 G/L Account ID (DGA) (32)
320801 G/L Account Code (DGA) (32)
320802 0802 Account Type (DGA) (32)
320803 Journal Type (DGA) (32)
320804 0804 Account Usage (DGA) (32)
320805 0805 Account Desc (DGA) (32)
320806 Distr Mask (DGA) (32)
320807 Affects Costing (DGA) (32)
320808 Pre Payroll (DGA) (32)
320809 Post Payroll (DGA) (32)
320810 Retain Detail (DGA) (32)
320811 Accrued Required (DGA) (32)
320812 I/C Required (DGA) (32)
320813 Posting Date Method (DGA (32)
320814 G/L Acct Suffix (DGA) (32)
320815 Acct Charge To (DGA) (32)
320900 Pay Component ID (PPC) (32)
320901 PC Code (PPC) (32)
320902 PC Abbrev (PPC) (32)
320903 PC Desc (PPC) (32)
320904 PC Action (PPC) (32)
320905 Store Results (PPC) (32)
320920 PC Usage ID (PCU) (32)
320921 PC Usage Code (PCU) (32)
320922 PC Usage Type (PCU) (32)
320923 PC Usage Desc (PCU) (32)
320924 Unique Item (PCU) (32)
320925 Mandatory (PCU) (32)
320926 Legislation (PCU) (32)
320927 PC G/L Type (PCU) (32)
321000 Pays Per Year (PPP) (32)