[X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME] is a [fixed lexicon].  Variables starting with "06" are used to define interfaces in the [IDIF] screen that will  be created by the [UPDIF] program

||Saved\\Value||Displayed Value||Source of Data||Comments
| 060007 | 0007 Pay Issue Date | |
| 060008 | 0008 S.S.N. | |
| 060009 | 0009 Middle Name | |
| 060010 | 0010 Salutation | |
| 060011 | 0011 Rank | |
| 060012 | 0012 Address 1 | |
| 060013 | 0013 Address 2 | |
| 060014 | 0014 City | |
| 060015 | 0015 Zip | |
| 060016 | 0016 Mail Address 1 | |
| 060017 | 0017 Mail Address 2 | |
| 060018 | 0018 Mail City | |
| 060019 | 0019 Mail Zip | |
| 060020 | 0020 Mail State | |
| 060021 | 0021 State | |
| 060022 | 0022 Country | |
| 060023 | 0023 Home Tax Jurisdiction | |
| 060024 | 0024 School District | |
| 060025 | 0025 Home GEO Code | |
| 060026 | 0026 Employment Type | |
| 060027 | 0027 Employment Type Lex | |
| 060028 | 0028 Original Hire Date | |
| 060029 | 0029 Termination Date | |
| 060030 | 0030 Job Code | |
| 060031 | 0031 Job Title | |
| 060032 | 0032 Position Code | |
| 060033 | 0033 Position Title | |
| 060034 | 0034 Department Name | |
| 060035 | 0035 Work Locn Code | |
| 060036 | 0036 Work Locn Desc | |
| 060037 | 0037 Paydest Locn Code | |
| 060038 | 0038 Paydest Locn Desc | |
| 060039 | 0039 Work Tax Jurisdiction | |
| 060040 | 0040 Salary Range Code | |
| 060041 | 0041 Salary Range Desc | |
| 060042 | 0042 Unit Code | |
| 060043 | 0043 Unit Description | |
| 060044 | 0044 Group Code | |
| 060045 | 0045 Group Description | |
| 060046 | 0046 Work Rule Code | |
| 060047 | 0047 Empl Status Code | |
| 060048 | 0048 Empl Status Desc | |
| 060049 | 0049 Work GEO Code | |
| 060050 | 0050 Entity Code | |
| 060051 | 0051 Pay Number | |
| 060052 | 0052 Number of Checks | |
| 060053 | 0053 Number of Deposits | |
| 060054 | 0054 Seniority Date | |
| 060055 | 0055 Hours/Day | |
| 060056 | 0056 Hours/Week | |
| 060057 | 0057 Prime Wage | |
| 060058 | 0058 Prime Wage Basis | |
| 060059 | 0059 Prime Wage Basis Lex | |
| 060060 | 0060 Period Begin Date | |
| 060061 | 0061 Period End Date | |
| 060062 | 0062 CTD Gross Pay | |
| 060063 | 0063 CTD Dedns | |
| 060064 | 0064 CTD Net Pay | |
| 060065 | 0065 Payment Rule Type | |01-Cash, 02-Check,03-Deposit
| 060067 | 0067 Check/Deposit Number | |
| 060068 | 0068 Check/Deposit Amount | |
| 060069 | 0069 Amount String | |
| 060070 | 0070 PreNote | |Y/N
| 060071 | 0071 to Order of | |
| 060072 | 0072 Bank Account Type | |01-Savings, 02-Checking
| 060073 | 0073 Bank Account Number | |
| 060074 | 0074 Bank Transit Code | |
| 060075 | 0075 Bank Name | |
| 060076 | 0076 Fed Exempt | |
| 060077 | 0077 State Exempt | |
| 060078 | 0078 State Exempt 2 | |
| 060079 | 0079 Local Exempt | |
| 060080 | 0080 Fed Filing Status | |
| 060081 | 0081 Fed Filing Status Lex | |
| 060082 | 0082 State Filing Status | |
| 060083 | 0083 State Filing Status Lex | |
| 060084 | 0084 Local Filing Status | |
| 060085 | 0085 Local Filing Status Lex | |
| 060086 | 0086 Fed Addn Tax | |
| 060087 | 0087 PC Code | |
| 060088 | 0088 PC Abbreviation | |
| 060089 | 0089 PC Description | |
| 060090 | 0090 Current Value | |
| 060091 | 0091 YTD Value | |
| 060092 | 0092 Rate | |
| 060093 | 0093 Rate Basis | |
| 060094 | 0094 Rate Basis Lex | |
| 060095 | 0095 Associated Time | |
| 060096 | 0096 Time Basis | |
| 060097 | 0097 Time Basis Lex | |
| 060098 | 0098 Detail Amount | |
| 060099 | 0099 Detail Type | |
| 060100 | 0100 Detail Type Lex | |
| 060101 | 0101 Action | |
| 060102 | 0102 Action Lex | |
| 060103 | 0103 PC Calc Method | |
| 060104 | 0104 Pc Calc Method Lex | |
| 060105 | 0105 PC Detail Description | |
| 060106 | 0106 PC Rate Source | |
| 060107 | 0107 PC Rate Source Lex | |
| 060108 | 0108 Wage Rate | |
| 060109 | 0109 Wage Rate Basis | |
| 060110 | 0110 Wage Rate Basis Lex | |
| 060111 | 0111 Amount | |
| 060112 | 0112 Pay Point Type | |
| 060113 | 0113 Pay Point Type Lex | |
| 060114 | 0114 Pay Point Task | |
| 060115 | 0115 Pay Point Task Lex | |
| 060116 | 0116 Pay Point Sequence | |
| 060117 | 0117 Start Date | |
| 060118 | 0118 End Date | |
| 060119 | 0119 Assignment Code | |
| 060120 | 0120 Assignment Title | |
| 060121 | 0121 Position Code | |
| 060122 | 0122 Position Title | |
| 060123 | 0123 Job Code | |
| 060124 | 0124 Job Title | |
| 060125 | 0125 Department Code | |
| 060126 | 0126 Department Name | |
| 060127 | 0127 Leave Type Code | |
| 060128 | 0128 User Calc Code | |
| 060129 | 0129 Plan Code | |
| 060130 | 0130 Work Tax Jurisdiction | |
| 060131 | 0131 Work GEO Code | |
| 060132 | 0132 Arrears Amount | |
| 060133 | 0133 Arrears Reference | |
| 060134 | 0134 Stat Code | |
| 060135 | 0135 Stat Abbreviation | |
| 060136 | 0136 Stat Description | |
| 060137 | 0137 Stat Type | |
| 060138 | 0138 Stat Type Lex | |
| 060139 | 0139 Stat Action | |
| 060140 | 0140 Stat Action Lex | |
| 060142 | 0142 Stat Amount | |
| 060143 | 0143 Evaluation Date | |
| 060144 | 0144 Leave Type Code | |
| 060145 | 0145 Leave Type Description | |
| 060148 | 0148 Prior Year Time Adj | |
| 060149 | 0149 Prior Year Amt Adj | |
| 060150 | 0150 Curr Year Time Entitle. | |
| 060151 | 0151 Curr Year Amount Earned | |
| 060152 | 0152 Curr Year Time Taken | |
| 060153 | 0153 Curr Time Owing | |
| 060154 | 0154 Curr Amount Owing | |
| 060155 | 0155 Termination Time Owing | |
| 060156 | 0156 Termination Amount Owing | |
| 060157 | 0157 Prior Year Time Owing | |
| 060158 | 0158 Message | |
| 060159 | 0159 Entity Name | |
| 060160 | 0160 Check Number | |
| 060161 | 0161 User Field Value | |
| 060162 | 0162 Period Begin Date | |
| 060163 | 0163 Period End Date | |
| 060164 | 0164 State Addn Tax | |
| 060165 | 0165 Pay Period | |
| 060166 | 0166 Reference Info | |
| 060167 | 0168 Fed TD1 Amount | |
| 060169 | 0169 Fed Add Tax PP | |
| 060170 | 0170 Fed Filing Status | |
| 060171 | 0171 Fed Filing Status LEX | |
| 060172 | 0172 Fed Tax Method | |
| 060173 | 0173 Fed Tax Method LEX | |
| 060174 | 0174 Prov # Dependents | |
| 060175 | 0175 Prov Add Tax PP | |
| 060176 | 0176 Prov Tax Method | |
| 060177 | 0177 Prov Tax Method LEX | |
| 060178 | 0178 Prov Filing Status | |
| 060179 | 0179 Prov Filing Status LEX | |
| 060180 | 0180 Prov Claim Amount | |
| 060181 | 0181 YTD Gross Pay | |
| 060182 | 0182 YTD Dedns | |
| 060183 | 0183 YTD Net Pay | |
| 060184 | 0184 Disbursement Type | |
| 060185 | 0185 Dept Locn Code | |
| 060186 | 0186 Dept Locn Desc | |
| 060187 | 0187 Dept Locn Addr1 | |
| 060188 | 0188 Dept Locn Addr2 | |
| 060189 | 0189 Dept Locn City | |
| 060190 | 0190 Dept Locn Zip | |
| 060191 | 0191 Dept Locn State | |
| 060192 | 0192 Dept Locn State Name | |
| 060193 | 0193 CTD Taxes Withheld | |
| 060194 | 0194 CTD Deductions Excl Taxes | |
| 060195 | 0195 YTD Taxes Withheld | |
| 060196 | 0196 YTD Deductions Excl Taxes | |
| 060197 | 0197 Name incl Mid | |

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