X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME is a fixed lexicon. Variables starting with "03" are used to define interfaces in the IDIF screen that will be created by the UPGLF program using the COST interface field

Displayed ValueSource of DataComments
030000 COST Header-HLFormat
030001 G/L Company Code (03)
030002 G/L Journal Source (03)
030003 G/L Journal Type (03)
030004 Currency (03)
030005 Fiscal Period (03)
030006 Fiscal Start Date (03)
030007 Fiscal End Date (03)
030008 Distribution Code (03)
030009 G/L Account Code (03)
030010 PC Code (03)
030011 Person Code (03)
030012 Pay Number (03)
030013 First Name (03)
030014 Last Name (03)
030015 G/L As Of Date (03)
030016 G/L Amount (03)
030017 Entity Code (03)
030018 Department Code (03)
030019 Position Code (03)
030020 Job Code (03)
030021 Unit Code (03)
030022 Group Code (03)
030023 Wage Rate (03)
030024 DR Amount (03)
030025 CR Amount (03)
030026 Pay Period (03)
030027 Period Start Date (03)
030028 Period End Date (03)
030029 Pay Issue Date (03)
030030 Check Number (03)
030031 Payroll Code (03)
030032 User Name (03)
030033 Work State/Prov (03)
030034 Res State/Prov (03)
030035 Work GEO (03)
030036 Res GEO (03)
030037 School District (03)
030038 G/L Account Type (03)
030039 G/L Buffer (03)
030040 File Creation Number (03)
030041 Execution ID (03)
030042 Reference Info (ppl) (03)
030043 IMCT valid segment (03)
030044 Constant (03)
030045 Work Order (ppl) (03)
030046 Cost Center (ppl) (03)
030047 Accr/Rev Journal (03)
030048 XML Tag (03)
030049 Batch (pph) (03)
030050 G/L Post Number (03)
030051 G/ LPost Sequence
030052 G/L Detail Seq (03)
030053 G/L Pointer (03)
030054 Tran Pointer (03)
030055 Time (ppl) (03)
030056 Time Basis (ppl) (03)
030057 Std Wage (ppl) (03)
030058 Std Wage Basis (03)
030059 Wage Rate (ppld) (03)
030060 Wage Rate Basis (03)
030061 PC Usage Code (03)
030062 Wrk Ordr or Distr (03)
030063 G/L Asso Time (03)
030064 G/L Asso Earn (03)
038000 Upto Fiscal Period (03)
038001 Upto Fiscal End Date (03)
039000 Fin Jrnl-Total DR (03)
039001 Fin Jrnl-Total CR (03)
039002 Fin Jrnl-Rec Count (03)
039003 Fin Jrnl-Total DR + CR (03)
039010 Stat Jrnl-Total DR (03)
039011 Stat Jrnl-Total CR (03)
039012 Stat Jrnl-Rec Count (03)
039013 Stat Jrnl-Total DR + CR (03)
039999 COST Trailer-HLForma


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