[X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME] is a [fixed lexicon].  Variables starting with "03" are used to define interfaces in the [IDIF] screen that will  be created by the [UPGLF] program using the COST interface field

||Saved\\Value||Displayed Value||Source of Data||Comments
| 030000 | COST Header-HLFormat | |
| 030001 | G/L Company Code (03) | |
| 030002 | G/L Journal Source (03) | |
| 030003 | G/L Journal Type (03) | |
| 030004 | Currency (03) | |
| 030005 | Fiscal Period (03) | |
| 030006 | Fiscal Start Date (03) | |
| 030007 | Fiscal End Date (03) | |
| 030008 | Distribution Code (03) | |
| 030009 | G/L Account Code (03) | |
| 030010 | PC Code (03) | |
| 030011 | Person Code (03) | |
| 030012 | Pay Number (03) | |
| 030013 | First Name (03) | |
| 030014 | Last Name (03) | |
| 030015 | G/L As Of Date (03) | |
| 030016 | G/L Amount (03) | |
| 030017 | Entity Code (03) | |
| 030018 | Department Code (03) | |
| 030019 | Position Code (03) | |
| 030020 | Job Code (03) | |
| 030021 | Unit Code (03) | |
| 030022 | Group Code (03) | |
| 030023 | Wage Rate (03) | |
| 030024 | DR Amount (03) | |
| 030025 | CR Amount (03) | |
| 030026 | Pay Period (03) | |
| 030027 | Period Start Date (03) | |
| 030028 | Period End Date (03) | |
| 030029 | Pay Issue Date (03) | |
| 030030 | Check Number (03) | |
| 030031 | Payroll Code (03) | |
| 030032 | User Name (03) | |
| 030033 | Work State/Prov (03) | |
| 030034 | Res State/Prov (03) | |
| 030035 | Work GEO (03) | |
| 030036 | Res GEO (03) | |
| 030037 | School District (03) | |
| 030038 | G/L Account Type (03) | |
| 030039 | G/L Buffer (03) | |
| 030040 | File Creation Number (03) | |
| 030041 | Execution ID (03) | |
| 030042 | Reference Info (ppl) (03) | |
| 030043 | IMCT valid segment (03) | |
| 030044 | Constant (03) | |
| 030045 | Work Order (ppl) (03) | |
| 030046 | Cost Center (ppl) (03) | |
| 030047 | Accr/Rev Journal (03) | |
| 030048 | XML Tag (03) | |
| 030049 | Batch (pph) (03) | |
| 030050 | G/L Post Number (03) | |
| 030051 | G/ LPost Sequence | |
| 030052 | G/L Detail Seq (03) | |
| 030053 | G/L Pointer (03) | |
| 030054 | Tran Pointer (03) | |
| 030055 | Time (ppl) (03) | |
| 030056 | Time Basis (ppl) (03) | |
| 030057 | Std Wage (ppl) (03) | |
| 030058 | Std Wage Basis (03) | |
| 030059 | Wage Rate (ppld) (03) | |
| 030060 | Wage Rate Basis (03) | |
| 030061 | PC Usage Code (03) | |
| 030062 | Wrk Ordr or Distr (03) | |
| 030063 | G/L Asso Time (03) | |
| 030064 | G/L Asso Earn (03) | |
| 038000 | Upto Fiscal Period (03) | |
| 038001 | Upto Fiscal End Date (03) | |
| 039000 | Fin Jrnl-Total DR (03) | |
| 039001 | Fin Jrnl-Total CR (03) | |
| 039002 | Fin Jrnl-Rec Count (03) | |
| 039003 | Fin Jrnl-Total DR + CR (03) | |
| 039010 | Stat Jrnl-Total DR (03) | |
| 039011 | Stat Jrnl-Total CR (03) | |
| 039012 | Stat Jrnl-Rec Count (03) | |
| 039013 | Stat Jrnl-Total DR + CR (03) | |
| 039999 | COST Trailer-HLForma | |

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

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