X_INDUSTRY_SECTOR is a [fixed lexicon] with the following values:\\

||Saved\\Value||Displayed Value
| 00          | Not Specified          
| 11          | Planned
| 21          | Completed
| 22          | Cancelled
| 23 | Construction
| 31 | Manufacturing (31)
| 32 | Manufacturing (32)
| 33 | Manufacturing (33)
| 42 | Wholesale Trade
| 44 | Retail Trade (44)
| 45 | Retain Trade (45)
| 48 | Transportation (48)
| 49 | Transportation (49)
| 51 | Information
| 52 | Finance and Insurance
| 53 | RealEstate,Rent/Leas
| 54 | Prof/Scient/Techni
| 55 | Mgmt of Comp/Enterpr
