X_FLSA_CALC_METHOD is a [fixed lexicon] with the following values:\\

||Saved\\Value||Displayed Value||Meaning
| 00 | Not Specified|No calculation 
| 01 | Actual Hours Worked|This rule will cause the FLSA rate to be calculated based on the FLSA Regular Earnings divide by the All of the FLSA Time Elements
| 02 | IDGR FLSA Hours|This rule will cause the FLSA rate to be calculated based on the FLSA Regular Earnings divided by the standard hours as defined on the Group
| 03 | Use Reg Hrs, etc.|This rule will cause the FLSA rate to be calculated based on the Regular Earnings Element divided by all FLSA Hours elements except FLSA Overtime Hours.
| 04 | N Factor|
| 99 | Do Not Calculate|