X_ACCOUNT_USAGE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:

Displayed Value
0010 General Expense (DR)
0020 Gen. Liability (CR)
0030 EAS Work Type
0101 Payroll Suspense
0102 Labor Clearing
0103 Payroll Outstanding
0104 Payroll Clearing
0105 Accrual Clearing
0111 Fringe Expense
0112 Fringe Liability
0113 Burden Expense
0114 Burden Liability
0115 Fringe Exp (orig PC)
0116 Fringe Liab (orig PC
0121 InterCompany Expense
0122 InterCompany (CR)
0123 Work In Progress DR
0124 I/C Suffix Mask
0125 I/C Suffix (DR)
0126 I/C Suffix (CR)
0127 Fund Clearing
0201 Cash G/L Account
0202 Deposit G/L Account
0203 Check G/L Account