!!Processing Information
The XTWO will extract workers and any change reasons associated to the worker table. The workers employment, identity and assignment records must already be in place as these are not extracted with the XTWO. As well, the departments and jobs need to also be place
prior to the XTWO being run.

Team posts, stations and work areas are not extracted during this process.

Before the XTWO can be run there are [site preferences|SYSTEM PREFERENCE] that must be defined. Within the [IMST] screen, the administrator must define where the Extract and Load files are located and where the load functions are to write the exception files to. These locations are used by the functions to create and retrieve information. The customer can modify these values to represent any directory on their system.

The extract directory is defined using the [EXTRCT DATA FLDR] preference. The load directory is defined using the [LOAD DATA FLDR] preference. The [ATTACHMENTS FLDR] must be specified so the load functions know where to write the report exceptions log to.

Once the XTWO function has been run, it will have created an .xml and .data file, it is suggested that the user reviews the .xml file to ensure the correct data was extracted. 

The user will then load the .data file into the receiving database via the [LMDATA] process. 
!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|File Name| Name of the file to be created
|Format| Binary or XML. XML is available so you can view the data first before writing the \\data to a .data file to be used by the LMDATA. When you want to write the data to \\a file for loading purposes, the Binary option should be selected.
|Include User Fields| This provides the user the option of including user defined fields.
|Extract By As Of Date|Provides the user the ability to extract effective date records up to and including \\the specified as of date.
|User Comment|Provides the user the ability to add comments to the output report. 

||Report Filters||
|Workers| The data may be filtered down to specific workers. 
|Work Division|The data may be filtered down to specific work divisions. 

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