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Processing Information#

The purpose of this process is to extract candidate information to provide to a third party, in this case PSI. PSI performs a background check on the candidate and sends a file back to the client with an indicator of Pass or Fail. The client then loads this file via LRCAPSI into the system. It is required that when an indicator of "Fail" is found that it set the Applicant Status to "Not Approved", which will also mark all applications to "Rejected".

These two processes are client-specific in the sense that the data provided in the source file must match the standards of PSI as this data is manipulated or used to derive column values that can be imported correctly into an ePersonality system. Specifically, candidate codes less than seven digits are left-padded with zeroes to ensure that candidate codes to be loaded are exactly seven digits. This feature will be made more general in the near future so that other clients may use this.

For more information on loading the file from PSI please review the LRCAPSI - Load Candidate Information.

Before the XRAPPSI can be run there are site preferences that must be defined. Within the IMST screen, the administrator must define where the Extract and Load files are located and where the load functions are to write the exception files to. These locations are used by the functions to create and retrieve information. The customer can modify these values to represent any directory on their system.

The extract directory is defined using the EXTRCT DATA FLDR preference. The load directory is defined using the LOAD DATA FLDR preference. The ATTACHMENTS FLDR must be specified so the load functions know where to write the report exceptions log to.

Once the XRAPPSI function has been run, it will have created an .xml and .data file, it is suggested that the user reviews the .xml file to ensure the correct data was extracted.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
User CommentThe user may opt to provide a comment on the output report generated.

Report Filters
Candidate StatusThe user may filter the data to specific candidate statuses.
Application StatusThe list of candidates may be filtered down to specific application statuses.
EntityThe user may filter the data to a specific entity.
LocationThe user may filter the data to candidates within a specific location.
DepartmentThe list of candidates may be filtered down to those within a specific department.