Processing Information#

The XMRO will extract the following data:
  • Execution Rights
  • Languages
  • Object Securities
  • Security Rights
  • Preference Values

Before the XMRO can be run there are site preferences that must be defined. Within the IMST screen, the administrator must define where the Extract and Load files are located and where the load functions are to write the exception files to. These locations are used by the functions to create and retrieve information. The customer can modify these values to represent any directory on their system.

The extract directory is defined using the EXTRCT DATA FLDR preference. The load directory is defined using the LOAD DATA FLDR preference. The ATTACHMENTS FLDR must be specified so the load functions know where to write the report exceptions log to.

Once the XMRO function has been run, it will have created an .xml and .data file, it is suggested that the user reviews the .xml file to ensure the correct data was extracted.

The user will then load the .data file into the receiving database via the LMDATA process.

Report Parameters #

Report Parameters
Export File NameMandatory
This is the name of the file that will be created by the XMRO.
The name should be representative of the data that is to be extracted.
RolesOptional, LOV Available
This is the role that is to be extracted.
If left blank, all roles will be extracted.

Notes #

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