!!!EXTRACT WORK RULE DEFINITIONS !!Processing Information When a work rule is extracted from an [{$applicationname}] system the following data that is tied to the work rule will also be extracted: *Employment Statuses *Holiday Calendars *Time Codes *Work Calendars *Work Rules *Premiums *Shifts *Time Rule Types The XDWR will not extract any shift patterns, change reasons, or time codes that are associated to a leave policy. ---- !!Report Parameters & Filters ||Report Parameters|| |File Name|Mandatory\\This is the name of the file that will be created by the XALP.\\ The name should be representative of the data that is to be extracted. |As of Date|Optional\\This is the date to be used to determine which date effective \\records up to and including the specified date are to be extracted. |Exception Level|Mandatory, LOV available\\‘0 – 9’ available ||Report Filters|| |Work Rules|This is the work rule code that is to be extracted.\\If left blank, all work rules will be extracted.