!!!Extract Core Entities from High Line to Neogov (XDCE)

The XDCE program creates an extract in the form of a .csv from Personality in a predefined layout for importing to the NEOGOV system.
Extracts can include Department, Divsions, Occupational Groups and Positions.\\ 
A separate file will be created for each extract selected.\\
The predefined naming convention for the file will used - SITE_CODE_filetype_YYYYMMDD.csv;
* Site Code as seen on [IMST] in the [SITE_CODE] field
* The type of file to be created;
**Department = Dept
**Divisions = Div
**Class Specifications = cs
**Occupational Groups = oc
**Positions = pos
*The system date in the format YYYYMMDD
*the extenstion - .csv 
The file will automatically be created on the database server in a the default OUTPUT folder.\\
All data on the file will be effective as of the current system date
The file requirements and how your data is set up should be reviewed with the NEOGOV integration team.\\
!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters		||Description
|Departments			|Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Department extract file to be created.\\ The filename will be SITE_CODE_dept_YYYYMMDD.csv
|Divisions				|Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Division extract file to be created.\\ The filename will be SITE_CODE_div_YYYYMMDD.csv
|Class Specifications	|Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Class Specification extract file to be created.\\ The filename will be SITE_CODE_cs_YYYYMMDD.csv
|Occupational Groups	|Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Occupation Groups extract file to be created.\\ The filename will be SITE_CODE_oc_YYYYMMDD.csv
|Positions				|Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Position extract file to be created.\\ The filename will be SITE_CODE_pos_YYYYMMDD.csv
|Exception Level		|Values of ‘0’ to ‘9’ (more exception messages are displayed when a higher level number is used)

!!File Layout
||Personality Field		||NEOGOV Mapping	        ||Notes
|ddp.department_code	        |Department Code	        |From IDDP
|ddd.department_name	        |Department Name	        |From the detail record of IDDP
|dln.address_line_1		|Address 1			|Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP
|dln.address_line_2		|Address 2			|Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP
|dln.locality			|City				|Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP
|dsp.state_province_code        |State				|Based on the DSP_ID found on the DLN_ID associated to the the Department
|dln.zip_postal			|ZipCode			|Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP
|dln.phone_number		|Phone1				|Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP
|dln.alt_phone_number	        |Phone2				|Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP
|Not Used in Personality        |WebSiteURL			|There is currently no corresponding column
|ddp.standing			|Status				|Standing of Active will be return '1', all other values will return '2'