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!!!View Time Collection Hours History

The View Time Collection Hours History form (WAPTEH) is a form intended for Approvers so they may view historical time collections. The form will only show time sheets that are hours based and those that are of the following statuses: Sent to PR, Not Approved, Adjustment, Adjustment Applied, Replaced, and Cancelled.

The user must select the employee from the find list below. 

;[EE#|PERSON_CODE]:The employee's person code is indicated here. 
;[Last|LAST_NAME]:The employee's last name is displayed here. 
;[Fist|FIRST_NAME]: The employee's first name is displayed here. 
;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment code the time card was generated for will display here.
;[Date Frame|DRV_DATE_FRAME]:The time frame the pay period is for is displayed here. 
;[Time Sheet #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:The time sheet uniquely assigned number will display. 
;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]:The status of the time sheet will also display.
