[{TableOfContents }] !!!APPROVE MATRIX TIME CARDS The Approve Matrix Time Cards [WVPTCC] screen allows you to approve matrix time cards. The data in the dialog is stored on the [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEETS], [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEET_ENTRIES], [P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS] and [P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS] tables. ;[EE#|PERSON_CODE]: ;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]: ;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]: ;[Assign|EAS_ID]: ;[Period|PAY_PERIOD]: ;[From|FROM_DATE(Field)]/[To|TO_DATE(Field)]: ;[TS #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]: ;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]: ;[Go to Approval Form|]: ;[Submit| ]: ;[EE Sign Off Received|EMPLOYEE_SIGN_OFF]: ;[Approve|DRV_APPROVAL_BAR]: !!Update My Time Card tab ;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]: ;[Leave Type|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]: ;[Sundries| ]: ;[Waive Time Rule| ]: !!Leave Balances and Reasons tab This section displays a summary of the employees leave balances. ;[Bank|LEAVE_POLICY_CODE]:The leave policy code will display here. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the leave policy is displayed. ;[Planned|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:If the employee has a planned leave for the policy, the number of leave hours is displayed. ;[Balance To Date|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]: This field will display the employee's leave balance. !!Leave Balances and Reasons tab ;[Weekly Totals| ]: ;[Pay Period Totals| ]: ;[Date| ]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;[Amount| ]: ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: ;[Time Type|TIME_TYPE]: ;[Amount| ]: ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: ;[Date| ]: ;[Time Code Set|TIME_CODE_SET_CODE]: ;[Amount| ]: [cleanup] ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.WVPTCC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.WVPTCC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]