!!!Authorize Time Cards

;[Employment|FULL_NAME]:The full name of the employee is held in this field.
;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:The employee's person code will display here.
;[Time Card #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:The time card uniquely assigned number will display. 
;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:The pay period the time card was generated for will display here.
;[From /To|DRV_DATE_FRAME]:The time frame the pay period is for is displayed here. 
;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]:The status of the time card will also display.


;Go To Time Card HISTORY:The user may wish to review historical time cards for the employee in focus, they my do so by pressing this button.  The user will be directed to the ([WVPTSH]) form.


;Assignment,Position:The employee's assignment and position display in this field. 
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:The cost center the total is calculated for. 
;[Total|TOTAL_TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:The total amount of time recorded for the cost center.
;[Mgr|EID_ID_FIRST_MANAGER]:The employee's first manager is displayed here. 
