[{TableOfContents }] !!!REVIEW CREW CARDS The Review Crew Cards form (WSTCC) is a form intended for managers so they may create, update and review their employees' time entries. The form will show the in/out times from clock punches and work exceptions entered. ---- !!Crew Cards This displays the [work station|ITWS] that the time entries are being reviewed on. A Work Station is a place within a [work area|WORK AREAS] that is filled by a person or a team of people, such as a patrol, truck or office. \\ ---- !!Calendar ;[Day]:This button will provide the daily view of all employee clock punches for the day specified through the calendar icon. ;[Week]:This button will convert the calendar into a weekly view from Sunday to Saturday. Clicking on a specific day of the week will provide the list of employees and their clock punches for the specified day in the Clock Punches section. ;[Month]: This button will convert the calendar into a monthly view. Clicking on a specific day of the month will list all the employees who have punched in for the day in the Clock Punches section. ;[List]:This button list all of the clock punches for the month specified in the calendar. \\ ---- !!Clock Punches ;[Employee|EMPLOYEE]: This field indicates the name and person code of the employee who the clock entry belongs to. ;[Job|JOB_CODE]:The job code associated to the employee's scheduled shift will display here. ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department code associated to the employee's scheduled shift will display here. ;[In|START_TIME]:The employee's earliest clock in punch time is held in this field. ;[Out|END_TIME]:The employee's clock out punch paired with the previous clock in, is held in this field. ;[In|START_TIME]:The employee's second clock in punch time is held in this field. ;[Out|END_TIME]:The employee's clock out punch paired with the previous clock in, is held in this field. ;[In|START_TIME]:The employee's third clock in punch time is held in this field. ;[Out|END_TIME]:The employee's clock out punch paired with the previous clock in, is held in this field. ;[Pairs|PUNCH_PAIR_COUNT]:This field is a count of the number of clock pairs the employee has for the day in focus. ---- !!Employee’s Work Exceptions Employee’s Work Exceptions records employees’ time outside of their scheduled shift. ;[Special Conditions|SPECIAL_CONDITIONS]: Special conditions are used to identify all of the reasons why an employee would possibly need to enter additional time, such as in early, out late, attend team meetings, etc. ;[Start Time|START_TIME]:The start time manually entered for the employee’s work exception. ;[End Time|END_TIME]: The end time manually entered for the employee’s work exception. ;[Project #|IDCC]:Project that the time will be allocated towards. Project is set up through [Define Cost Centers|IDCC]. ;[Time Exception Action|TIME_EXCEPTION_ACTION]:A list of actions for the time exception. ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:The position that work exception time will be applied to. ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: The job that work exception time will be applied to. ;[Out|END_TIME]:The employee's clock out punch paired with the previous clock in, is held in this field. ;Remarks:Additional comments to include with the entered work exception ---- !!Daily Exception View A daily view of all the employees’ work exceptions that occur outside of their scheduled shift. ;Employee: This field indicates the name and person code of the employee who the work exception belongs to. ;[Special Conditions|SPECIAL_CONDITIONS]: Special conditions are used to identify all of the reasons why an employee would possibly need to enter additional time, such as in early, out late, attend team meetings, etc. ;[From|START_TIME]:The start time manually entered for the employee’s work exception. ;[To|END_TIME]: The end time manually entered for the employee’s work exception. ;[Cost|IDCC]:Project that the time will be allocated towards. Project is set up through [Define Cost Centers|IDCC] ;[Action|TIME_EXCEPTION_ACTION]:A list of actions for the time exception. ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:The employee’s default position will display here. This is a display only field. ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: The employee’s default job will display here. This is a display only field. ;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]:The employee's scheduled shift that the exception will be applied to. This is a display only field. ;[Job Order #|WORK_ORDER]: The job order on each pay line can be unedited (no validation) or validated from an external system that has been pre-programmed. The job order validation is defined on the [IDGC|IDGC] screen under ‘Work Order Validation’. ;[Value|VALUE]:Holds the value of time for the exception. ;[Premium(s)|PREMIUMS]:Holds the value of extra time that are not strictly wages. ;Remarks:Additional comments to include with the entered work exception ---- !!Crew List ;[Employee|EMPLOYEE]: This field indicates the name and person code of the employee who belongs to the work station. ;[Team Post|TEAM_POST_INFO]: A derived field which displays the job, department, work area and work station of the employee. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.WSTCC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.WSTCC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]