!!MY POSTINGS ;[Posting #|POSTING_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field allows you to give the posting a descriptive title. ;[Job Profile|JOB PROFILES]:This field identifies the [job profile|JOB PROFILES] for which the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] is being created. ;[Posting Status|POSTING_STATUS]:This field will display the status of the [job posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity that is generating the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Managed By|]: !Posting Details tab ;[Job Profile|JOB PROFILES]:This field identifies the [job profile|JOB PROFILES] for which the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] is being created. ;[Manager|]: ;[Posting #|POSTING_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field allows you to give the posting a descriptive title. \\ __Time Frame__ ;[Requisition Date||REQUISITION_DATE]:This field will display the date for this [requisition|REQUISITIONS] was created. ;[Opened Internally|INTERNAL_POSTING_OPENED]:This field will display the date the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] was open to internal candidates. ;[Posting Opened|GENERAL_POSTING_OPENED]:This field displays the date the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] was opened to external candidates. ;[Posting Closed|POSTING_CLOSED]:This field displays the date the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] was closed to new applicants. ;[Posting Filled|POSTING_FILLED]:If the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] been filled, this field will display the date a candidate was hired. \\ __Source__ ;[Posting Source|POSTING_SOURCE]:This field provides a reason for the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Posting Priority|POSTING_PRIORITY]:The priority of the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] will be shown in this field. ;[Posting Type|POSTING_TYPE]:This field allows you to define the nature of the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Posting Category|POSTING_CATEGORY]:This field allows you to classify the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] into a specific group. \\ __Specifics__ ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:This field will display the position associated to this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This field will display the unit associated with this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Job|JOB_CODE]:This field will display the job associated with this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:This field will display the department associated with this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:This field will display the group associated with this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE_CODE]:This field will display the work rule associated with this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field will display the location associated with this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. \\ __FTE__ ;[Required FTE|REQUIRED_FTE]:This field will show the FTE required for this [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Default FTE|DEFAULT_FTE]:This field shows the default FTE for this position used for forecasting and costing. ;[Filled FTE|FILLED_FTE]:If this posting has been filled, this field will show the amount of FTE that has been filled. ;[Text|POSTING_TEXT]: \\ __Nature of Work__ ;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:This field allows you to define the type of the employment for the assignment. ;[Responsibility Level|RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]:This field identifies the level of responsibility for the assignment. ;[Language Class|LANGUAGE_CLASS]:This field identifies the language(s) used in this assignment. ;[Group Type|GROUP_TYPE]:This field displays the type of group for this assignment. ;[Work Type|WORK_TYPE]:This field further groups the assignment into work types. ;[WCB Class|WCB_CLASS]:This field identifies the workers compensation for this assignment. \\ __Compensation__ ;[Assign. Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:This field will show the date the assignment is to start. ;[Assign. End Date|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:If this assignment is date–sensitive, the last date of the assignment will be displayed here. ;[Hours Per Day|HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field shows the average daily hours associated with this assignment. ;[Hours Per Week|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field shows the average weekly hours associated with this assignment. ;[Range|RANGE_CODE]:This field will show the salary range for this assignment. ;[Scale|SCALE_CODE]:This field will show the wage scale for this assignment. ;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field will show the wage rate for this assignment. \\ ---- !Applicants tab