!!!VIEW MY APPLICANTS ;[Opened|APPLICATION_OPENED]:This field displays the date the application was open to candidates. ;[Candidate Name|APPLICANT]:This field displays the name of the individual who is applying for the posting. ;[Application #|APPLICATION_CODE]:This field displays a code that uniquely identifies the application. This code may have been user-defined or Automatically generated. ;[Status|APPLICATION_STATUS]:This field displays the current status of the application. ;[Posting#|POSITION_CODE]:This field displays the posting code that uniquely identifies the posting within the system. ;[Posting Title|POSTING_TYPE]:This field indicates whether the application is from an employee (internal) or an external candidate or both. !Applicant Tab ;[Opened|APPLICATION_OPENED]:This field displays the date the application was open to candidates. ;[Closed|APPLICATION_CLOSED]:This field displays the last date candidates could submit their applications. ;[Rating|APPLICATION_RATING]:This field displays the rating this application received for the posting. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field identifies the entity associated to this posting. ;[Stage Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the stage that the application is at. ;[Offered|OFFERED_DATE]:If the candidate is selected for this posting, this field displays the date the job was offered to the applicant. ;[Response|RESPONSE_DATE]:This field indicates the date the candidate responded to the job offer. ;[Response Indication|RESPONSE_INDICATION]:This field will display the status of the response from the candidate. ;[Rejection Reason|REASON_FOR_REJECTION]:This field provides the reason for the candidate being rejected for the posting. ;[Declined Reason|REASON_FOR_DECLINE]:This field provides a reason why the candidate declined the job offer. ;[Candidate| ;[Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This field displays the title of the assignment for which this posting is recruiting. ;[Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:The first date of the assignment is indicated in this field. ;[End Date|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:If the assignment is date effective, the last date of the assignment will be indicated in this field. ;[Hours/Day|HOURS_PER_DAY]: This field shows the average daily hours associated with this assignment. ;[Hours/Week|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field shows the average daily hours associated with this assignment. ;[FTE|FTE]:This field will show the full time equivalent associated with this assignment. ;Scale/Step:If the stage is broken down into specific steps, the step that the candidate is currently on will be displayed in this field. ;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field displays the wage rate for this assignment. ;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]:This field displays the basis in which the wage rate is expressed. ;[Scale Overridden|SCALE_OVERRIDDEN]: If the toggle is ON, the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually, and is different from the rate on the wage scale table. If the toggle is OFF, either the wage rate has been derived from the wage scale table or wage scale tables are not being used. ;[Details|APPLICATION_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide additional information about the application