!!!MY RECRUITING COSTS A recruiter's costs may be recorded and maintained in the My Recruiting Costs ([WRRCS]) screen. ;[Cost Date|COST_DATE]:This field displays the date the recruiting related cost was incurred. ;[Category|COST_ITEM_CATEGORY]:This field allows you to classify the cost item into a specific category. ;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_CODE]:If the cost is related to a specific candidate, that individual may be identified in this field. ;[Posting|POSTING_CODE]:If this cost is associated with a specific [posting|JOB POSTINGS], that [posting|JOB POSTINGS] may be identified in this field. ;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]: The title of the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] associated to the cost will display here. \\ ;[Cost Amount|COST_AMOUNT]:This field displays the actual amount of the cost incurred. ;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field will display the currency that the above amount is expressed in. ;[Employer Percent|EMPLOYER_PERCENT]:This field will indicate the percentage of the cost that will be covered by the employer. ;[Cost Reference|COST_REFERENCE]:This field will indicate the percentage of the cost that will be covered by the employer. ;[Payment Status|PAYMENT_STATUS]:This field will show the status of the payment for this cost item. ;[Payment Method|PAYMENT_METHOD]:This field will show the manner in which this item was paid for ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to provide a short description of the cost. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.WRRCS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.WRRCS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]