The Maintain Candidate Resumes screen allows you to view all the resumes electronically submitted by candidates.

The information for this screen is derived when internal or external candidates upload their resumes into the system through the My Resumes (WCRRS) screen. Please note that when a resume is uploaded into the system, it is stored in the database.

Each candidate is listed and described through the following fields.

Last Name
The candidate’s last name is displayed in this field.
First Name
This field displays the first name of the candidate.
Middle Name
This field displays the candidate’s middle name or initial.
Candidate #
This field displays the number that uniquely identifies the candidate within the system.

By clicking on one of the candidates listed, you will be able to see further details about their resume(s) in the following fields.

Resumes On File For The Highlighted Candidate

This field displays the date the resume was received.
This field indicates how the original resume was submitted.
Location / Comments
If a ‘soft’ copy is not available, this field should indicate where a hard copy is located.
Last Revised
This field indicates the last time the candidate’s resume was updated.
File Name
This field displays the file name of the resume.

Notes #

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