[{TableOfContents }] !!!VIEW CANDIDATE PROFILE The View Candidate Profile screen allows you to view information on candidates who are available for [postings|JOB POSTINGS] within the company. The system helps recruiters and job seekers maintain an up-to-date pool of potential candidates available for job openings. Candidates are individuals seeking employment with the organization. They may be current employees, prior employees or individuals who have never worked for the organization. [Candidate profiles|CANDIDATE PROFILES] can be submitted before or after job openings are available. Often job seekers like to submit their resumes for future consideration and be informed when jobs become available. Candidates are uniquely identified by a candidate code that is automatically generated. The date of submission is recorded and the source (mail, email, web, etc.) is noted. The amount of candidate information the system can hold is extensive - demographic data, contact information, work history details, qualifications, education, references, and assessment information. You may, however, block sensitive information such as government ID or gender. Whenever possible, the initial candidate information is collected through Self Service functions. Candidate information for current or prior employees is pulled from existing personnel records. Please note that the [Rehire Status|REHIRE_STATUS] screen prior to considering a former employee. The candidates are listed at the top of the screen identified by the following fields: ;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:The candidate’s last name is displayed in this field. ;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:This field displays the first name of the candidate ;[Middle Name|MIDDLE_NAME]:This field displays the candidate’s middle name or initial. ;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field displays the code that uniquely identifies the candidate within the system. By clicking on one of the candidates listed, you will be able to see further details about that candidate in the following fields. !!Details The Details section provides basic personal data about the candidate such as when the [candidate profile|CANDIDATE PROFILES] was created, the type of candidate the individual is, their government number, date of birth, etc. __Profile Details__ ;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field displays the code that uniquely identifies the candidate within the system. ;[Submitted On|DATE_SUBMITTED]:This field displays the date the candidate created their profile. ;[Salutation|SALUTATION]:This field identifies the title of the candidate ;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:This field provides the first name of the candidate. ;[Middle Name|MIDDLE_NAME]:This field provides the middle name of the candidate. ;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:This field provides the last name of the candidate. ;[Rank|RANK]:This field displays any rank associated to the candidate’s name (e.g. Jr., II, etc.). ;[Employee #|EID_ID_EMPLOYEE]:This field displays the candidate’s employee identifying code. ;[Status|CANDIDATE_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of candidate within the recruiting process. ;[Source|CANDIDATE_SOURCE]:This field indicates the resource where the candidate was drawn from. ;[Type|CANDIDATE_TYPE]:This field will indicate whether the candidate is an internal or external applicant. ;[Category|CANDIDATE_CATEGORY]:This field groups the candidate into a specific group. \\ __Candidate Details__ ;[Govt Code Origin|GOVT_CODE_ORIGIN]:This field displays the country from which the candidate’s government code originates. ;[S.S.N.|GOVERNMENT_CODE]:This field displays the contact's government identification number. ;[S.S.N. Verified|GOVT_CODE_VERIFIED]:If this boolean is set to ’YES’, the government code has been verified as a legitimate code for that individual. ;[Gender|GENDER]:This field displays the gender of the candidate. ;[Date of Birth|BIRTH_DATE]:This field displays the birth date of the candidate. ;[Birthplace|BIRTHPLACE]:This field displays where the candidate was born. ;[Foreign ID|FOREIGN_CODE]:This field displays any foreign registration codes for an employee. ;[Transportation|TRANSPORTATION]:This field displays the candidate's main means of transportation. ;[Drivers License|DRIVERS_LICENSE]:If the candidate has a driver's license, this field will display the license number. ---- !!Address & Phone The Address and Phone section provides the contact’s address information, email, phone and fax information. __Address__ ;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays the candidate’s home address. ;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays the second line of the candidate’s home address. ;[City|LOCALITY]:This field displays to the candidate’s city, district or township name of residence. ;[State, Country|COUNTRY_STATE]:This field displays the name of the candidate’s state/province, followed by the standard country code. ;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field displays the zip or postal code for the candidate’s address. ;[E-mail|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:This field displays the email address or domain name for the candidate. \\ __Phone__ ;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays the main phone number for the candidate. ;[Phone Ext.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the candidate. ;[Alt. Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays an alternate phone number for the candidate. ;[Alt. Phone Ext.|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the alternate phone number. ;[Cellular #|CELLULAR_NUMBER]:This field displays the candidate's cellular phone number. ;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field displays the fax number for the candidate. ---- !!Demographics and Employer The Demographics and Employer sections provide the demographic information about the contact such as marital status, their primary language of communication, any veteran status and information on their current employment such as their availability date. __Demographics__ ;[Years of Education|YEARS_EDUCATION]:This field indicates the years of formal education the candidate has completed. ;[Marital Status|MARITAL_STATUS]:This field indicates the marital status of the candidate. ;[# of Dependents|NUMBER_DEPENDENTS]:This field displays the number of the dependents the candidate has. ;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field indicates the candidate's main language of communication. English is the default. ;[Ethnicity|ETHNIC]:This field records the candidate's ethnic background. ;[Citizen Status|CITIZEN_STATUS]:This field displays the citizen status of the candidate. ;[Bonded Status|BONDED_STATUS]:This field indicates if the candidate is bonded. ;[Challenged|CHALLENGED]:This field indicates if the candidate is physically challenged. ;[Veteran Status|VETERAN_STATUS]:This field indicates if the candidate is a veteran. \\ __Employer__ ;[Current Employer|CURRENT_EMPLOYER]:This field displays the name of the candidate's current employer. ;[Current Title|CURRENT_TITLE]:This field identifies the candidate's title at their current employment. ;[Start|APPLICATION_START_DATE] / [Last Date|APPLICATION_END_DATE]:These fields indicate the first and last date the application is open. ;[Availability|AVAILABILITY_DATE]:This field indicates the date the candidate is available to begin a new job. ;[Web Address|WEB_ADDRESS]:If there is a web address associated with the candidate’s current employer, that web address may be displayed here. ;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES_TEXT]:This field displays the candidate's career objectives. ;[Candidate Info|CANDIDATE_TEXT]:This field displays additional information about the candidate. ;[How To Contact|HOW_TO_CONTACT_TEXT]:This field indicates how to contact the candidate. ---- !!Applications __Applications__ A summary total of applications the candidate has made will be displayed. ;[New|DRV_NEW_APP]:This field displays the number of new applications submitted for the posting. When first created, an application is defined as ‘new’ in Personality, marked with an application status of ‘New Application’, and the counted in the New Appl field. ;[Total|DRV_APPLICATIONS]: This field displays the number of applications the candidate has submitted. This is the TOTAL number of applications, including the number of new applications listed in the next field. ;[Canceled|DRV_CANCELED_APP]:This field displays the number of applications the candidate made which were subsequently canceled. \\ The specific applications are listed and described through the following fields. ;[Appl #|APPLICATION_CODE]:This field displays a code that uniquely identifies the application. This code may have been user-defined or automatically generated. ;[Posting|POSTING_CODE]:This field displays the code which uniquely identifies the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] within the system. ;[Opened|APPLICATION_OPENED]:This field indicates the first date the application was opened. ;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field displays the descriptive title of the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the application. ;[On Step|DRV_CURRENT_STEP]:If the stage is broken down into specific steps, the step that the candidate is currently on will be displayed in this field. By clicking on one of the applications listed, you will be able to see further details about that application in the following fields. __Application Details__ ;[Status|APPLICATION_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of the application. ;[Closed|APPLICATION_CLOSED]:This field indicates the date the application was closed. ;[Rating|APPLICATION_RATING]:This field displays the rating this application received for the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. ;[Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This field displays the title of the assignment for which this posting is recruiting. ;[Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:The first date of the assignment is indicated in this field. ;[End Date|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:If the assignment is date sensitive, the last date of the assignment will be indicated in this field. ;[Details|APPLICATION_TEXT]: This field displays additional details regarding the application. ---- !!Candidate Work History Information about the candidate’s previous employment will be provided in the Candidate Work History section. Each of the candidate’s employments are listed and described through the following fields. ;[Start|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE] / [End Dates|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:These fields display the first and last day the candidate worked in this position. ;[Employer|COMPANY_NAME]:This field indicates who employed the candidate in this position. ;[Allowed to Contact|AVAILABLE_TO_CONTACT]: This field indicates if contact may be made with the contact listed for the specified Employer. ;[Verified Status|VERIFIED_STATUS]:This field indicates if the information for this work history entry is verified. ;[Verified|DATE_VERIFIED]:The date the work history entry has been verified is displayed here. By clicking on one of the employments listed, you will be able to see further details about that employment in the following fields. __Work History Details__ ;[Name|CONTACT_NAME]:This field displays the name of the individual within the company who may be contacted. ;[Title|CONTACT_TITLE]:This field displays the working title of the contact indicated above. ;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays the company’s address. ;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays the second line of the company’s address. ;[City|LOCALITY]:This field displays to the company’s city, district or township name of residence. ;[State, Country|COUNTRY_STATE]:This field displays the name of the company’s state/province, followed by the standard country code. ;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field displays the zip or postal code for the company’s address. ;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:The phone number of the contact. ;[Phone Ext.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the contact. ;[Alt. Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays an alternate phone number for the contact. ;[Alt. Phone Ext|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the alternate phone number. ;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field displays the fax number for the company. ;[Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This field displays the title of the position the candidate held within the organization. ;[Responsibility Level|RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]:This field indicates the level of responsibility the candidate had at the company. ;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:This field identifies the specific type of employment the candidate had with the company. ;[Company Size|COMPANY_SIZE]:This field indicates the approximate size of the organization. ;[Category|JOB_CATEGORY]:This field defines the type of job associated with this employment. ;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field indicates the company's main language of communication. English is the default. ;[Industry|INDUSTRY_CODE]:This field displays the six-digit industry codes from NAICS (North American Industry Code Standard) for the company. ;[Hours/Day|HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field displays the average number of hours per day the candidate worked/works in this position. ;[Hours/Week|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field displays the average number of hours per week the candidate worked/works in this position. ;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field displays the wage rate for this assignment. ;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]:This field displays the rate basis in which the wage is expressed. ;[Reason for Leaving|REASON_FOR_LEAVING]:This field displays the reason the candidate left the assignment. ;[Work History Info|WORK_HISTORY_TEXT]:This field displays additional information about the past employment. ---- !!Candidate Education The Candidate Education section allows you to view information on the candidate’s educational history. You are able to see where they received their education, areas of study and grades. Each event in the candidate’s educational history will be listed and described in the following fields. ;[Institution|SCHOOL_NAME]:This field displays the name of the educational institution the candidate attended. ;[Certification|DEGREE]:This field will display the degree attained, if applicable, for this course of education. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the degree. ;[Status|EDUCATION_STATUS]:This field shows the status of the degree. \\ __Education Details__ ;[Type|EDUCATION_TYPE]:This field indicates the type of school the candidate attended. ;[From|EDUCATION_START_MONTH]:This field indicates the date the course of education was begun. ;[To|EDUCATION_END_MONTH]:This field indicates the date the course of education was completed. ;[GPA|GPA_ATTAINED]:This field displays the Grade Percent Average (GPA) the candidate achieved for this education. ;[GPA Max|GPA_MAXIMUM]:This field displays the highest Grade Percent Average (GPA) attainable for this education. ;[Major|MAJOR_AREA_OF_STUDY]:This field will display the major area of study for the education defined. ;[Minor|MINOR_AREA_OF_STUDY]:This field will display the minor area of study for the education defined. ;[Faculty|SCHOOL_FACULTY]:This field indicates the school faculty associated with the education defined. ;[City|LOCALITY]:This field displays the location of the school. ;[State|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field defines the state/province where the school is located. ;[Education Info|EDUCATION_TEXT]:This field displays additional information about the education for this candidate. ---- !!Candidate Qualifications The Candidate Qualification section provides a quick reference about all the qualifications the candidate brings to the [posting|JOB POSTINGS]. Qualifications may include any certificates, skills, education levels, etc. that the candidate may possess. All the candidate’s qualifications will be listed and described through the fields below. ;[Type|QUALIFICATION_TYPE]:This field groups the qualification into a specific type. ;[Qualification|QUALIFICATION_NAME]:This field displays the qualification that the category falls under. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field displays a short description of the qualification. By clicking on one of the qualifications listed, you will be able to see further details about that qualification in the following fields. __Qualification Details__ ;[Status|QUALIFICATION_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of the confirmation of the candidate's qualification. ;[Category|QUALIFICATION_CATEGORY]:This field further classifies the qualification into specific categories. ;[Start|QUALIFICATION_START_DATE]:If the qualification is applied to this candidate for only a specific time period the first date of that time period will be indicated here. e.g. A first aid certificate that has to be renewed each year ;[Expires|QUALIFICATION_END_DATE]:If the qualification is applied to this candidate for only a specific time period, the last date of that time period will be indicated here. ;[Proficiency|PROFICIENCY]:The level of expertise that the candidate has attained in the qualification is indicated here. ;[Interest Level|INTEREST_LEVEL]:This field displays the candidate's interest level in this qualification. ;[Years of Experience|YEARS_EXPERIENCE]:This field indicates the number of years of experience the candidate has for this qualification ;[Last Used|YEAR_LAST_USED]:This field indicates the number of years since the candidate last used the qualification. ;[Qualification Info|QUALIFICATION_TEXT]:This field displays additional information about the qualification for this candidate. ---- !!Candidate References The contact information for individuals willing to give the candidate a referral will be maintained in the References section. All the candidate’s references will be listed and described through the fields below. ;[Reference Name|CONTACT_NAME]:This field displays the name of the individual providing the reference. ;[Type|REFERENCE_TYPE]:This field classifies the references into specific types. ;[Status|REFERENCE_STATUS]:This field displays the current status of the reference provided. ;[Available to Contact|AVAILABLE_TO_CONTACT]: This is a toggle field indicating if the reference is available to contact. ;[Contacted|DATE_CONTACTED]: This field displays the date the individual who gave the reference was contacted. By clicking on one of the references listed, you will be able to see further details about that reference in the following fields. __Reference Details__ ;[Company|COMPANY_NAME]:This field displays the company name where the reference is employed. ;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays the reference’s address. ;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays the second line of the reference’s address. ;[City|LOCALITY]:This field displays to the reference’s city, district or township name of residence. ;[State, Country|COUNTRY_STATE]:This field displays the name of the reference’s state/province, followed by the standard country code. ;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field displays the zip or postal code for the reference’s address. ;[Title|CONTACT_TITLE]:This field displays the title the contact holds within their organization. ;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field indicates the contact's main language of communication. English is the default. ;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays the contact’s main phone number. ;[Phone Ext.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the phone number indicated above. ;[Alt Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays an alternate phone number for the reference. ;[Alt. Phone Ext.|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the alternate phone number. ;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field displays a fax number for the reference. ;[E-mail|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:This field displays the contact’s email address. ;[Reference Info|REFERENCE_TEXT]:This field displays additional information about the reference. ---- !!Candidate Resume All the candidate’s resumes will be listed and described through the fields below. ;[Received|DATE_RECEIVED]:This field displays the date the resume was received. ;[Source|RESUME_SOURCE]:This field indicates how the original resume was submitted. ;[Location/Comment|RESUME_LOCATION]:If a ‘soft’ copy is not available this field should indicate where a hard copy is located. ;[Last Revised|RESUME_LAST_REVISED]:This field indicates the last time the candidate’s resume was updated. ;[File Name|BINARY_FILE]:This field displays the file name of the resume. ---- !!Candidate Assessments If the candidate has taken any test or skills reviews, the results will be available to view in the Assessments section. All the candidate’s [assessments|ASSESSMENTS] will be listed and described through the fields below. ;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field defines the exact assessment the candidate has or will be taking. ;[Assessment Date|ASSESSMENT_DATE_TIME]:This field indicates the date and time of the assessments. ;[Status|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS]:This field displays the current status of the [assessment event|ASSESSMENT EVENTS]. By clicking on one of the references listed, you will be able to see further details about that reference in the following fields. __Assessment Details__ ;[Type|ASSESSMENT_TYPE]:This field groups the assessment into a specific type. ;[Category|ASSESSMENT_CATEGORY]:This field further classifies the assessment into specific groups. ;[Desired Pts.|DESIRED_POINTS]:This field displays the desired points for the assessment. ;[Essential Pts.|ESSENTIAL_POINTS]: This field displays the minimum number of points the candidate must obtain to pass the assessment. ;[Maximum Pts.|MAXIMUM_POINTS]:This field displays the maximum number of points that a candidate may achieve for this assessment. ;[Conducted by Employee|EMPLOYEE]:This field indicates the employee who conducted the assessment. ;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field indicates where the assessment has or is scheduled to take place. ;[Conducted by Contact|CONTACT_NAME]:If there is a contact person for this assessment event, that individual may be indicated here ;[Rating|ASSESSMENT_RATING]:This field displays the rating the candidate received for this [assessment|ASSESSMENTS]. ;[Points|ASSESSMENT_POINTS]:This field records the points the candidate obtained in this assessment. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field displays a short description of the assessment. ---- !!Recruiting Log ;[Date/Time|RECRUITING_LOG_TIMESTAMP]:This field displays the date and time of the recruiting log. ;[Type|RECRUITING_LOG_TYPE]:This field identifies the nature of the recruitment log. ;[Category|RECRUITING_LOG_CATEGORY]:This field further classifies the recruiting log into specific groups. ;[Posting #|POSTING_CODE]:This field displays the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] number associated with this recruiting log. ;[Recruiter|RECRUITER_CODE]:This field displays the recruiter associated with this recruiting log. ;[Entered For|ENTERED_FOR]:This field indicates for whom or what (position, job profile, candidate) this log is entered. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the recruiting log. ;[Info|RECRUITING_LOG_TEXT]:This field displays additional information about the recruiting log. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.WRRCP] [{InsertPage page='Internal.WRRCP' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]