!!!VIEW CANDIDATE ASSESSMENTS The View Candidate Assessments screen allows you to view the assessment results for individual candidates. Assessments are used to determine if an individual meets the requirements of specific job profiles. They establish the level of proficiency an individual has attained in various competence categories. Assessments are usually made up of questions and answers and can be anything from a survey to an interview to a self-assessment. Each candidate is listed and described through the following fields. ;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:The candidate’s last name is displayed in this field. ;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:This field displays the first name of the candidate. ;[Middle Name|MIDDLE_NAME]:This field displays the candidate’s middle name or initial. ;[Cand #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field displays the number that uniquely identifies the candidate within the system. \\ By clicking on one of the candidates listed, you will be able to see further details about their assignment in the following fields. !Assessments ;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field defines the assessment that the candidate has or is scheduled to take. ;[Type|ASSESSMENT_TYPE]:This field classifies the assessment into a specific type. ;[Date|ASSESSMENT_DATE_TIME]:This field displays the date and time the assessment occurred or will occur. ;[Status|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS]:This field displays the current status of the assessment event. ;[Des. Pts|DESIRED_POINTS]:Desired Points; This field will display the number of points desired for this assessment. ;[Max Pts|MAXIMUM_POINTS]:Maximum Points; This field displays the maximum points a user may obtain for this assessment. ;[Ess. Pts|ESSENTIAL_POINTS]:Essential Points; This field will display the minimum number of points needed to pass this assessment. ;[Act. Pts |ASSESSMENT_POINTS]:Actual Points; This field displays the points the candidate obtained in this assessment. ;[Rating|ASSESSMENT_RATING]:This field displays the rating the candidate received for this assessment. \\ By clicking on one of the assessments listed, you will be able to see the list of questions associated with the assessment. !Questions ;[Seq #|QUESTION_SEQUENCE]:This field will identify the question with a specific number. ;[Text|QUESTION_TEXT]:This area displays the question to be answered. \\ By clicking on a specific question, you can see the choices associated with that question, and the responses the candidate gave. !Choices ;[Choice Text|CHOICE_TEXT]:This field displays the choices available for the question being asked. ;[Points Allotted|POINTS_ALLOTED]:This field indicates the points that each option is worth. !Response ;[Choice Text|DRV_CHOICE_TEXT]:This field displays the answer that the candidate selected from the choices provided. ;[Text|RESPONSE_TEXT]:This field displays the points the candidate gained from their response. !Grading A summary of the questionnaire grading is provided in the next section. ;[Seq #|QUESTION_SEQUENCE]:This field identifies the question being graded. ;[Points Allotted|DRV_PTS_ALLOTED]:This field indicates the points allotted to each choice automatically, if applicable. \\''e.g. \\Question #1 is multiple choice. Answer ‘B’ is initially given 10 points by the system. \\Question #2 requires a text response and is not initially graded by the system'' ;[Points Attained|POINTS_ATTAINED]:This field displays the points the candidate attained for this question based on the decision of the person marking the results. \\''Example:\\Question #1 is multiple choice. Answer ‘B’ is initially given 10 points by the system, however, the person marking the results feels that due to the candidate’s experience level the answer is only awarded final points of 8 \\Question #2 requires a text response and is not initially graded by the system. The person marking the results gives the candidate final points of 25 for their response''