Workflow is handled automatically at the data base level by the use of a [data base trigger|DATA BASE TRIGGER].

The trigger is attached to the specific [tables where workflow|WORKFLOW PRODUCTS] is enabled.  The process flow is as follows:

* When a record is updated/deleted/inserted in a table that has workflow, there is a trigger that fires.
* This trigger (P2K_xxx_BIUD) sets up internal variables for access by any Workflows and then calls the P2K_PMWRKFLW package for that specific table
* At this point, each table potentially takes a different course of action, but in general would do the following:
** Set up variables for User Calcs
** Set up internal structures for User Calcs
** Call the RUN_WF_CALC subprogram
** *Loads user calcs for that product
*** Executes the defined user calcs

%%warning Note that there is no specific order that multiple workflow user calcs will fire, so building dependencies between them is not recommended.%%

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