!!!Manage Time Sheet Time Code Exceptions WMTTSE (Manage Time Exceptions) which allows managers the ability to manage time exceptions for a pay period. The functionality can only be used for shift based (start/end time) time sheets. As an exception is handled, it is removed from the exception list. The screen will only display previous day(s) time exceptions; users can define the time frame for which a manager can handle the exceptions, through a where clause. Although this is a user-definable value, High Line does not recommend setting this to a large value as it may result in a performance issue. ;[PERS_ASSIGN]: ;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: ;[START_TIME]: ;[END_TIME]: ;[Hours|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]: ;[TIME_CODE]: ;[REASON_FOR_TIME]: ; ;[Include Indirectly Managed Employees|ACT_SHOW_INDIRECT]: