List of Reviews Requiring Approval#
- Name
- The employee's first and last name display in this field.
- Number
- The review number is displayed here.
- Review Type
- The type of review for the employee will display here.
- Status
- The status of the employee's review is displayed here.
- Review Date
- The date the review took place is held here.
- Overall Rating
- The overall obtained by the employee during the review is held here.
- Overall Points
- The overall point attained by the employee is held here.
- Show Indirect Employees
- This toggle allows the manager to see employees who they are indirectly responsible for.
Review Details tab#
- Description
- The description of the review is displayed here.
- Submit
- This button will submit the review for approval.
- Comments
- The reviewer/manager may provide additional comments on the review in this field.
Review Ratings tab#
- Review Category
- This field displays the categories that have been defined for the review type. This data will default in from the Review Type (ISRT) form.
- Review Rating
- This field displays the review rating given if you are using a subjective system. This rating may also include alphanumeric descriptions of the review points awarded.
- Points
- This field shows the points that have been awarded to the employee for performance in this category, if a points system is used to rate employees.
- Comments
- This field displays any comments that were added to a particular review in regards to the review ratings.
Leave Balances tab#
- Bank
- The leave policy code will display here.
- Description
- The description of the leave policy is displayed.
- Planned
- If the employee has a planned leave for the policy, the number of leave hours is displayed.
- Balance To Date
- This field will display the employee's leave balance.