[{TableOfContents }]

!!!Manager Approval of Reviews in Detail

;Name: The employee's first and last name display in this field.
;[Review Type|REVIEW_TYPE_CODE]: The type of review for the employee will display here.
;[Status|REVIEW_STATUS]:The status of the employee's review is displayed here.
;[Review Date|REVIEW_DATE]:The date the review took place is held here.
;[Overall Rating|OVERALL_RATING]:The overall obtained by the employee during the review is held here. 
;[Overall Points|OVERALL_POINTS]:The overall point attained by the employee is held here. 
;[Show Indirect Employees|ACT_SHOW_INDIRECT]:This toggle allows the manager to see employees who they are indirectly responsible for. 

!!Review Details
;[EE comments in DB|EE_FEED_BACK_DATA]:This field indicates a file located in the database that may contain comments obtained during the review.
;[Comments|REVIEW_COMMENTS]:The reviewer/manager may provide additional comments on the review in this field.
;[Status|REVIEW_STATUS]:The status of the review is displayed here.
;[Date of Next Review|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]:The date of the employee's next review is displayed here.
;[Reviewer|EID_ID_REVIEWER]:The identity of the individual who performed the review is displayed in this field.  

;[Initiate Review|ACT_INITIATE_REVIEW]: This button will allow the manager to initiate a review for the employee in focus.
;[Generate Ratings|ACT_GENERATE_RATINGS]:This button allows the manager to generate ratings for the employee. 
;[Submit|ACT_SUBMIT_REVIEW]:This button will submit the review for approval.

!!Review Ratings tab
;[Review Category|REVIEW_CATEGORY]:This field displays the categories that have been defined for the review type. This data will default in from the Review Type ([ISRT]) form. 
;[Review Rating|REVIEW_RATING]:This field displays the review rating given if you are using a subjective system. This rating may also include alphanumeric descriptions of the review points awarded.
;[Points|REVIEW_POINTS]:This field shows the points that have been awarded to the employee for performance in this category, if a points system is used to rate employees.
;[Comments|COMMENTS]:This field displays any comments that were added to a particular review in regards to the review ratings.

!!Leave Balances tab

;[Bank|LEAVE_POLICY_CODE]:The leave policy code will display here. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the leave policy is displayed.
;[Planned|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:If the employee has a planned leave for the policy, the number of leave hours is displayed. 
;[Balance To Date|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]: This field will display the employee's leave balance. 
!!Past Reviews tab
This tab displays historical reviews for the employee in focus. 
;[Review Type|REVIEW_TYPE_CODE]:This field displays the general type of the review. 
;[Status|REVIEW_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the historical review.
;[Overall Rating|OVERALL_RATING]:This field shows the overall rating of the employee for the historical review. 
;[Overall Points|OVERALL_POINTS]:This field displays the total number of points for the historical review. 
;[Comments|REVIEW_COMMENTS]:This field displays comments that were added to a particular review.

!!Optional Details tab
;[Attitude Rating|ATTITUDE_RAT]:
;[Attitude Points|ATTITUDE_PTS]:
;[Attitude Comments|ATTITUDE_COMMENTS]:

;[Leadership Skills Rating|LEADERSHIP_SKILLS_RAT]:
;[Leadership Skills Points|LEADERSHIP_SKILLS_PTS]:
;[Leadership Skills Comments|LEADERSHIP_SKILLS_COMMENTS]:

;[Absenteeism Rating|ABSENTEEISM_RAT]:
;[Absenteeism Points|ABSENTEEISM_PTS]:
;[Absenteeism Comments|ABSENTEEISM_COMMENTS]: