!!!Onboarding Dashboard
This screen is used to view all new hires in their first 30 days of employment.  This screen shows a User Created Checklist of fields, Onboarding Procedure Progress and the Status of any documents that require sign off. 
!!New Hire Checklist
The new hire checklist section of [WMOD] is divided into 5 columns. Most columns will be populated with fields made from [USER DEFINED COLUMN]s or [USER DEFINED FIELD].  There are pros and cons to using each of these types of column/fields however it is usually best practice to use a [USER DEFINED COLUMN].
There are only 5 pre-populated fields in this section,
!!Onboarding Procedure Progress
In this portion you can "ADD A NEW PROCEDURE" to the selected new hire.  You can also view current and historical procedures that have been assigned and their related statuses/completion dates.
||Field Name||Definition
|[Complete Upon Login|RESPONSE_REQUIRED]|
|[Completed Steps|COMPLETED_STEPS]|
|[Outstanding Steps|DRV_OUTSTANDING_STEPS]|
!!Required Documents
This portion of the screen allows the user to view all Documents that require a Sign Off.  It also shows them the name of the document, the Parent document that it is tied to and if/when the document was signed by the employee.
;[Document|MII_ID]: The name of the document.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional verbage used to describe the document.
;[Parent Document|INFO_CODE]: The name of the parent document.
;[Sign off|SIGNED_OFF]: Toggle used to indicate if the employee has signed off on the document or not.  If this field is populated with a check mark then the employee has signed the document.
;[Sign Off Timestamp|SIGN_OFF_TIMESTAMP]: The date and time the employee signed off on the document.  This field only populates when a sign off occurs for the related document.

!Related Screens
*[WAMSO] - Employee Signed Documents.
*[WMMSD] - My Employee Suspended Procedures.
*[WAMSD] - Manage Suspended Procedures.
*[VMSD] - View Suspended Procedures.