View My Employees#

The View My Employees (WMEEM) screen allows you to view a list of the employees you supervise, directly or indirectly and as well view indirect employees who usually report to a position which is now empty. This logic is recursive and adds employees to the managers list 'n' levels deep.

In addition, it also allows you to view the assignment details related to the employees. This screen shows Prime assignment details only.

The definition data for the View My Employees screen is stored in the P2K_HR_IDENTITIES and P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS tables.

Name (Code)
This field identifies employees reporting to you by last and first name, followed by their person code/employee number.
This field displays the employee’s current assignment title.
This field displays the department where the employee is assigned.
Reports To
This field displays the employee’s supervisor. This individual is identified by last and first name, followed by their person code/employee number.
Show Indirect Employees
If this toggle is checked, the employees who report to you indirectly will be included in the list.
By clicking on one of the employees listed, you will be able to see further details about that employee in the following fields.

Personal Information#

Identity Information#

First Name
This field displays the employee’s first name.
Middle Name
This field displays the employee’s middle name.
Last Name
This field displays the employee’s surname.
If the employee has a rank associated with their name (e.g. Jr., II, etc.), it will be indicated here.
This field displays whether the employee is male or female.
Government Code
The employee’s Social Security Number/Social Insurance Number is displayed in this field.
e.g. 648467354 will be formatted to 648-46-7354 for the US
648467354 will be formatted to 648-467-354 for Canada

Contact Information#

This field displays the employee’s primary language of communication.
Home Phone
This field displays the employee’s home phone number.
Cell Phone
This field displays the employee’s personal cell phone number.
Home Fax
This field displays the employee’s home fax number.
Home Email
This field displays the employee’s home email address.

Employment Information#

Job Information#

Hire Date
This field indicates when the employee was hired.
The status of the employee’s assignment will be indicated here.
e.g. ACTIVE, LEAVE, etc.
This field displays the official title of the employee’s assignment.
This field display the position associated to the employee’s assignment.
This field displays the job associated to the employee’s assignment.
This field displays the department associated to the employee’s assignment.
This field displays the unit, union, affiliation, etc. associated to the employee’s assignment.
This field displays the group within in the unit associated to the employee’s assignment.

Contact Information#

Work Phone
This field displays the employee’s work phone number.
Work Ext.
This field displays the employee’s phone extension.
Work Email
This field displays the employee’s work email address.

Wage Information#

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a factor that indicates how an employee's weekly hours compare with the standard full time number of hours from the work rule, position, job or group. An FTE factor of 1.0000 indicates a full-time assignment, one of less than 1.0000 indicates a part-time assignment. The FTE is re-derived, if the weekly hours, the work rule or the job is changed.
Hours Per Day
This field shows the average daily hours the employee works. This value is inherited from the Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level.
Hours Per Week
This field shows the average weekly hours the employee works. This value is inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level.
Hours Per Pay
This field shows the average hours the employee works within a pay period. This value is inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level.
Next Review
This field indicates the date when the employee’s next wage review is due.
Wage Rate
This field displays the employee’s current wage rate for this assignment
Scale Step
This field displays the employee’s current scale step for this assignment.
Scale Rate
This field displays the employee’s current scale rate for this assignment.
This field displays the salary range associated with the employee’s assignment.
Range Minimum
This is the minimum amount for the salary range.
Range Midpoint
This is the mid-range amount for the salary range.
Range Maximum
This is the top end amount for the salary range.
Compa Ratio
This ratio is calculated using the employee’s salary as a percentage of the ‘Midpoint’ amount. e.g. For a midpoint salary of $40,000 if:
- Employee salary is $20,000, then compa ratio would be 50%
- Employee salary is $40,000, then compa ratio would be 100%
- Employee salary is $60,000 then compa ratio would be 150%

Leave Information#

If the employee is on leave, information about that leave is provided here.
Leave Date / Return Date
These fields define when the employee went on leave and when they will return.
Leave Reason
This field provides the reason for the leave.

Notes #

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