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!!!Review Personnel Actions
Using the Process Change Requests (WMDAR) screen, you will be able to manage all the outstanding employee change requests that have been sent to for approval.

The definition data for the Review Personnel Actions screen is stored in the [P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS], [P2K_AM_REQUESTS], and [P2K_AM_REQUEST_ACTIVITIES] tables.  

;[Name (Code)|]:
This field identifies employees reporting to you by last and first name, followed by their person code/employee number.
This field displays the employee’s current assignment title.
This field displays the department where the employee is assigned.
;Reports To:
This field displays the employee’s supervisor. This individual is identified by last and first name, followed by their person code/employee number.
;[Show Indirect Employees|ACT_SHOW_INDIRECT_EES]:If this toggle is checked, the employees who report to you indirectly will be included in the list. 
By clicking on one of the employees listed, you will be able to view and process PA requests in the following fields. 
!!Outstanding Request
;[PA (Request) #|PA_NUMBER]:This field identifies the personnel action by its PA number.
;[Takes Effect|PA_EFFECTIVE_DATE]:This field displays the date that the personnel action is to take effect.
;[Status|PA_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of the personnel action.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:Further information about the personnel action is displayed here.

!!PA Details tab
!Details of Request
;[Field|DRV_COLUMN_PROMPT]:This column allows you indicate the field where you would like the value to change.
;[Previous Value|DRV_OLD_VALUE]:This column displays the data that is currently in the field indicate.
;[Requested Value|DRV_NEW_VALUE]:This column displays the new data that is being requested fill the field.
;[PA Type|PA_TYPE_CODE]:This field categorizes the PA into a specific type. 
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field provides a short explanation for the change.
;[Add Request|ACT_ADD_CURRENT_PA_REQUEST]:Clicking this button allows you to add a PA request to the system.
;[Process Request|ACT_PROCESS_PA]:If you are the final approver for the request, this button will allow you to send the request to the database which will change the information within the system.
!!Requests tab
;[Status|REQUEST_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of the request.
;[Sent On|DATE_SENT]:This field indicates when the request was sent.
;[Synopsis|REQUEST_SYNOPSYS]:This field provides a short description of the request.
;[Text|REQUEST_TEXT]:Additional information about the request may be included here.
;[Add Comment|ACT_ADD_ACTIVITY]:This button allows you to add a comment to the request.
;[Comments|REQUEST_ACTIVITY_TEXT]:Any previous comments added to the request will be displayed here.

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